
Environment: Debian GNU/Linux 8 with Koha 16.11.04 (package installation)

Our Koha catalogue contains MARC field 385 $a with content e. g. "KG", linked to category "Lesekategorie" containing authorized values for the target audience, e. g. value "KG" (description for staff client and OPAC is: "Kindergarten"). Instead of "KG" the OPAC shows "Kindergarten" as expected.

Now I have recently added a new facet for MARC field 385 $a and the facet does show - only instead of the description ("Kindergarten"), the facet shows the authorized value "KG". How can it be achieved to show the description in the facet?

As I see it is actually possible to show the description because the authorized values for standard category "LOC" are properly showing the descriptions. I tried to find out how this works in file "opac-facets.inc" but without success. Can anyone please give me a hint?

Best wishes: Michael

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