Hi Krishna,

I hope to include patches for bug 18651 in the next 16.11.x release 16.11.10.

Jonathan has provided a patch set for 16.11.x that we now need to test thoroughly.


On 10.07.2017 08:34, Krishna K wrote:
Hi all,

We have been using Koha version . We found a strange problem,
for around 35 books. These books have been borrowed(checked out) earlier by
the patrons and they have the books with them. But in Koha, the books are
available for checkout to others. This results in chaos!!

Example - The book  Lunch Money(partial title) in Patron Dhyans name
This particular book(1 item under the biblio) has different statuses in
different screens.
1. Search in OPAC - Shows as Available - this is OK
2. Search as Admin in Staff client - shows status as blank - this seems to
be abnormal
3. Search results when searched in Cataloging Search - shows Location as
Checked out - this seems to be abnormal
4. In the checkout history of the book, the latest entry shows Patron Dhyan
and  checked out in the returned date field - this seems to be abnormal
5. In the patron screen, against Dhyan, Checked out books doesnt  show this
book - OK
6. In the self checkout screen after logging in as Dhyan, I do not see this
book in the list of books currently checked out to me. - this is OK.
7. But please note, nobody checked in this book ever. There were other
books checked in against Dhyan, but not this book. The book is still with
Dhyan and he is unable to checkin this book.  But in Koha, this book can be
checked out to others!!

How to prevent this issue in future ? - We believe this is a symptom of Bug
18651 as there is entry for the book in old_issues table though checkin has
not happened. It would be great if someone could confirm on this. By the
way, just today,  the 17.05.01 version update happened where 18651 is
fixed. Then, maybe the issue will not happen in future. If this is not bug
18651, we are keen to know how this can be prevented.

What about the 35 books where the data is incorrect ? How do we get it
corrected ?

Looking forward to help from the community,

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