Hi Michael,

I just checked - the website appears accessible from here.


On 11.08.2017 12:29, Michael Kuhn wrote:
Hi Christopher

Yesterday you wrote:

Thank you for notifying me about the problem with the Koha-US conference website. I apologize for the inconvenience and it should be working now.

Today I tried again. Unfortunately the page "koha-us.net" is still not working as expected.

When trying to access http://koha-us.net/index.php/2017_Koha-US_Conference I still get the following message:


You don't have permission to access /index.php/2017_Koha-US_Conference on this server.
Apache/2.4 Server at koha-us.net Port 80

This is the answer of the SERVER at "koha-us.net" and I wouldn't know what I could change on my side. I tried this with webbrowsers Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Chromium. NONE of these can access your site.

Using wget it says the same:

$ wget http://koha-us.net/index.php/2017_Koha-US_Conference
--2017-08-11 12:28:11-- http://koha-us.net/index.php/2017_Koha-US_Conference
Resolving koha-us.net (koha-us.net)...
Connecting to koha-us.net (koha-us.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2017-08-11 12:28:12 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

I tried this from my local workplace as well as from a host in the internet with a completely different IP address.

The only way I can access http://koha-us.net/index.php/2017_Koha-US_Conference is using the Tor browser.

Unfortunately there are no broadcasts today. But yesterday it was absolutely no problem to access for example https://kslib.zoom.us/j/771614521 (of course "kslib.zoom.us" is not "koha-us.net").

This is just for your information. But I think I was not the only one experiencing this problem.

Best wishes: Michael

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