
If you want a feature to come in into Koha the first step is to file a
bug report in the Koha bugzilla -

Most features make it into Koha because some user institution
somewhere is funding the development of the feature. Development does
not happen out of thin air by developers who live and survive only on
adulation and the glory of writing Free Software. ;-)

Your requirement for punctuation and handling repeated fields are
already served by user specific XSLT mods supported by Koha since many
versions. See


Indranil Das Gupta
L2C2 Technologies

Phone : +91-98300-20971
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Twitter : indradg

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Chinmoy Ghosh
<> wrote:
> Thanks a lot. "Betterment" word which I use to say my suggestions may be
> included in next version. Koha developers from various countries all over
> the world always do the job sincerely thats why we get 17.05 version from
> 1.00 version. But at the time of beginning of koha all the features of
> 17.05 version definitely was not present in the first version. Requirements
> from various users and ideas from developers achieve in latest koha version.
> Developers give their valuable time as well as their knowledge for library
> users thats why we get FOSS koha . I think anyone can suggest anything for
> improvement but that suggestions may or may not be approved. I use this word
> "Betterment" not to hurt anybody.
> On Sep 14, 2017 1:39 PM, "Indranil Das Gupta" <> wrote:
>> Hi Chinmoy,
>> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Chinmoy <>
>> wrote:
>> > 1. How to migrate data from koha to excel format marc tagwise like 020a,
>> > 020c, 041a, 082a,082b, 100, 245a, 245b, 245c, 250, 260a,260b, 260c,
>> > 300a,440a, 500a, 650a, 700a,700b,700c,700d,700-4,942c etc.
>> Koha -> Export to marc -> MarcEdit -> Export to delimited text ->
>> Import to excel.
>> However, you will need to additionally handle the repeated fields once
>> the data is in Excel. Otherwise when you export back, you might end up
>> with garbled, invalid MARC data
>> > 2. If a book not available in but available in Amazon
>> > India( then how can I get cover image of that book. In
>> > koha
>> > there is no option to select Amazon India services from Amazon Locale
>> > because here only American, British, Japanese, French, German and
>> > Canadian
>> > are available. In India various languages are there so various language
>> > books are available in site but we cannot obtain the book
>> > cover in koha for local language books.
>> This is an enhancement which currently does not exist in Koha. IMHO
>> Its a fairly simple enhancement. But someone has to write it. Which
>> means either (a) you write it yourself (b) you find a volunteer to
>> write it for you or (c) you sponsor a Koha developer to write it for
>> you.
>> > 3. Another point is when we search a book in catalogue first shows the
>> > normal view and in normal view sequence is Title(245a), Subtitle(245b),
>> > Statement of Responsibility (245c) then By: Main Entry Personal
>> > name(100a),
>> > Contributor(s): (700a), (700b), (700c), Relator code(700-4). In normal
>> > view
>> > mode there is no punctuation mark i.e (: colon) between Title (245a) and
>> > Subtitle (245b). Also Statement of Responsibility (245c) and By: Main
>> > Entry
>> > Personal name(100), Contributor(s): (700a), (700b), (700c), Relator
>> > code(700-4) both i.e 245c and 700abc are meaningless because same thing
>> > appears two times. I think (245c) is not required to display in Normal
>> > view.
>> > When we setup ISBD Template we put there punctuation mark and at the
>> > time of
>> > data entry we do not add punctuation mark as a result in Normal view
>> > mode
>> > Title , Subtitle, SOR are coming without punctuation mark and it is very
>> > confusing to a new user. Maximum Library authority do the data entry job
>> > by
>> > non Librarian worker and they do not know the punctuation mark so it is
>> > better to setup with punctuation mark at the time of display page
>> > designing.
>> > Also after (260a) :colon; (260b) ,comma ; (260c).dot and after
>> > pagination
>> > (300a) p. may be inserted.  It is my earnest request to the concern
>> > persons
>> > to look into the matter for betterment of koha services.
>> Yes, the Koha community looks forward to suggestions for improvement,
>> but please try to learn how Koha works and why it does what it does
>> before asking for "betterment".
>> You already have the option to change your display to use the ISBD tab
>> as the default display, so that your users will see the data with the
>> punctuation you desire. The other option is that you modify the
>> necessary XSLT files to display the punctuation required in the normal
>> view..
>> You may be aware of this development, but if you are not, then you
>> should acquaint yourself with this -
>> Come Q1 2018 there is expected to start a pilot program to remove
>> punctuation from MARC records
>> hope this helps
>> idg
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