Hi Prachi,

Koha's SRU protocol implementation is probably the closest thing to a
search API:

That manual page also describes other web services that Koha provides but
none are specifically search. Is there a reason why searching on the Koha
website couldn't fulfill your client's needs? I must admit I don't really
see the value in designing an app to accomplish something that the website
already does.



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On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 5:38 AM, prachim <prach...@nextremer.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> One of our client is a college. They are already using Koha for their
> library management.
> We are developing an android application for their students using which
> they
> can search for a book in first phase. This android app will send user
> queries to our back-end server, the back-end is developed in Java.
> We are expected to take input criteria specified by student (e.g.title,
> author, publisher etc.) and search for the book and its availability.
> So is there any web service API or search API by Koha for searching books
> on
> different input parameters?
> What kind of authentication need to be provided to access data specific to
> this college?
> --
> Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
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