Probably worth noting that the 19.05 release notes are actually at:

Well done folks!

<> on behalf of Nick Clemens 
Sent: 30 May 2019 16:52
To: Koha Devel; Koha
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha 19.05.00 Released

Hello everybody,

It is with great pleasure that the Koha community announces the release of
Koha 19.05, a major release of the Koha open source integrated library

This release (as always) is the work of many librarians, developers, and
community members who donate their time and effort to the project. Their
contributions help shape the release, and the project going forward. None
of this would be possible without them, and my sincere thanks goes out to
everyone who had a hand in the project

Extra thanks to all who helped me with this release, and with getting here to 
be the release manager for this version. I am so lucky to work with such a 
great team on a wonderful project and look forward to helping make Koha better 
on each release. Excelsior!

Read the full release notes here:

Debian packages will be available shortly, if you are following a suite you will
automatically upgrade to the next branch with this release, more info here:

Thank you all,
Nick (kidclamp)

Nick Clemens
ByWater Solutions<>
Phone: (888) 900-8944
Pronouns: (he/him/his)
Timezone: Eastern

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