> Of the many doubts that I have, I do not understand the difference between
> the tables reserves and old_reserves.

The 'reserves' table contains "active" holds. Holds which have not yet
been fulfilled or canceled. When a hold has been fulfilled it is moved
to the 'old_reserves' table for historical/reporting purposes. You
would refer to 'old_reserves' if you were seeking statistics about
holds processed in the past.

> If I need to get a list of all the holds, for which the books are
> currently not available in the library, which table would I refer to?

Since you say "currently," that means the 'reserves' table. Note that
a similar relationship exists between 'issues' and 'old_issues.'
Similarly, 'borrowers' and 'deletedborrowers,' 'biblio' and


  -- Owen

Web Developer
Athens County Public Libraries
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