On 2019-07-27 9:04 p.m., Owen Leonard wrote:
install jquery v1.7. How can I upgrade to the latest stable version of

I would like to hear more details about why you want to upgrade
jQuery. I'm not aware of a reason to do so just for the sake of having
the latest version.

[probably off-topic for many readers]

Jumping in from a philosophically technical (or technically philosophical) perspective: maybe there are other organizations that run more than one website | database | application? We do -- in house, not "in a cloud", and a couple of years ago we invested in additional servers for this type of problem.

Note that I do not remember jquery as being necessarily problematic, but various flavours of o/s, kernel, perl, apache (and its setup and dependencies), html, mysql, python, letsencrypt, maybe more... made it more straightforward and saved my sanity from an IT perspective

We invested in a front-end server running nginx to distribute to two "main" servers (Koha, all the rest) and two backups (Koha, all the rest.) It works totally reliably, but we went from two servers ("all" plus "backup") to five. Plus the sandboxes.

Every springtime we "sandbox" the latest version of Koha, and while we always get it to function, we have never (yet!) found an easy solution to exactly this type of production capability | service and dependency version compatibility.

Quite frankly, I haven't touched our production Koha in years -- it's fast and rock-solid; we love it. But at 3.8.24 probably way out of date for a "lending" library (which we are not) but brilliant for cataloguing.

Bottom line: it's a bit of an IT challenge to maintain and/or upgrade a server environment plus Koha plus other usages, from a soft- and hardware perspective. I run a charity and from a budgetary p.o.v. found it easier to dedicate additional hardware, at a static software level, to the production Koha that we rely upon.

Please note: this is *not* a recommendation, only one organization's perspective...

Best -- Paul
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