Hey there, i found out about koha several days ago and i am really impressed and would love to use it. Unfortunately i am not IT expert enough to do it by myself and i do not have a linux server yet. I would love to have some support the system up for a special case.

I live in a network of villages that has close ties and we share a lot of things with one another. I wanted to create an online tool so private people in these villages can put their books in a database and offer them to be borought. It would be a decentralized library where you can browse the whole catalogue consisting of the books people insert in the database plus section for the place in which household this book can be found. It would be awesome if books can be put in the database by isbn number.

I do have my own webpsace for several webpages and my question is if there is anybody who would help me with that? I would appreciate it that very much.

Greetings from nothern germany

Bastian Barucker

Wildnisschule Waldkauz - Natur verbindet!

Bastian Barucker


Feldstraße 1
17440 Lassan OT Pulow

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