Hi Alvaro,

I think that you misunderstand the netstat output there.

"tcp6       0      0 :::80     :::*      LISTEN      1113/apache2" means that 
it's using a TCP socket that supports both IPv4 and IPv6. 

1. Remove the entries from /etc/hosts
2. Do "nslookup something.dnshome.de"
3. Confirm that the output of the above command matches your current home IP 
4. Ensure that your Apache configuration for the OPAC has either a ServerName 
or ServerAlias directive matching something.dnshome.de
5. Reload/restart Apache to be on the safe side
6. That should be it

That said, I'd be careful exposing a test version of Koha to the Internet, 
especially if you're not familiar with Koha or Apache. 

David Cook
Systems Librarian
Prosentient Systems
72/330 Wattle St
Ultimo, NSW 2007

Office: 02 9212 0899
Direct: 02 8005 0595

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 15:44:17 -0500
From: Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alv...@gmail.com>
To: Heinz-Jürgen Oertel <hj.oer...@t-online.de>
Cc: koha <koha@lists.katipo.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [Koha] need help with accessing koha from outside via
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Heinz

Usually this issue means Apache is receiving a call for a site that does
"not exist" so it shows its default page.

Check that your koha site is enabled (sudo a2ensite bibliotthek.conf)

As per

tcp6       0      0 :::80     :::*      LISTEN      1113/apache2

Seems apache is not listening to tcp4 and also port 8080 is not enabled

You should have in your apache port file
Listen 80
Listen 8080

In some cases, there are conflict with IPV6. If you do not use it you can
disable it by:

After doing those changes, you need to restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart



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Le jeu. 6 févr. 2020 à 08:51, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel <hj.oer...@t-online.de> a
écrit :

> Am Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2020, 13:49:38 CET schrieb Mark Alexander:
> > Excerpts from Heinz-Jürgen Oertel's message of 2020-02-06 13:32:34 +0100:
> > > I can reach my network vi   something.dnshome.de
> > > With a port forwarding 80 -> 80 in the network router I can reach the
> test
> > > page of the apache server.
> > > How  can I reach the koha server
> >
> > It's possible that Koha is listening on a port other than 80.  This is
> > controlled by the VirtualHost line(s) in your Koha installation's
> > configuration file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/INSTANCE.conf, where
> > INSTANCE is the name of your Koha instance.
> >
> > You can see what ports are in use with this command:
> >
> > netstat -pn --tcp --listen | grep apache
> tcp6       0      0 :::80     :::*      LISTEN      1113/apache2
> That means, Apache is listening at 80, that is correct, but could not be
> all
> From the local site, where i have to entries in /etc/hosts
>   bibliothek.xxxxxxxxx.de
>   bibliothek-intra.xxxxxxxx.de
> I only can call koha  with one of these symbolic names.
> If I put
> in the browser URL field, I too reach the Apache test page
> Regards
>      Heinz
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> Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
> Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz
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