
In Koha menu "Administration > Item types" you can create item types and group them as search categories. Our library wants to show its facets according to the existing 4 search categories instead of the 22 item types.

In our library we have 22 item types like the following:

Code: ASO
Description: Aufsatz // Sammelband [online]
Search category: Online Ressource

Code: AUF
Description: Aufsatz // Sammelband [print]
Search category: Aufsatz

Code: AZO
Description: Aufsatz // Zeitschrift [online]
Search category: Online Ressource

Code: AZP
Description: Aufsatz // Zeitschrift [print]
Search category: Aufsatz

The facets do show these item types according to their descriptions, thus

Aufsatz // Sammelband [online]
Aufsatz // Sammelband [print]
Aufsatz // Zeitschrift [online]
Aufsatz // Zeitschrift [print]

But the library would like to have facets just like the following according to the search category:

Online Ressource

As I found in the Zebra configuration the facets are actually using the content of MARC 942$c (the code of the item type) and displays the respective description. Actually I don't see a way how to use the search category instead - but maybe there is one, that we can't see?

My solution would be to

* create new item type codes according to the current search categories
* delete the current search categories
* change all bibliographic records using SQL (still to be written...) by putting all content of MARC 942$c/952$y in another field (e. g. 942$d) and instead fill 942$c/952$y with the new item type code

Do you maybe have a better idea to achieve our goal?

Best wishes: Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E m...@adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch

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