
mariadb-server is in 'universe'. Edit your sources.list file and make
sure you have "universe"



Le lun. 15 juin 2020 à 10:49, Farasat Shafi ullah
<farasat.sh...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Kia Ora every one
> I was trying to test Koha 20.05 on Ubuntu 20.4LTS however got following
> error for MariaDB. I am following our Wiki page for installation and also
> tried some solution got through googling
> "The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  mariadb-server : Depends: mariadb-server-10.3 but it is not going to be
> installed
> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"
> Any thoughts?/help/guidance?
> --
> *Nga mihi /**Kind Regards*
> *Farasat Shafi Ullah *
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