I've tried to search my Koha mailing list archives, and studied the
19.05 manual for a solution to the following problem, but I'm either
overlooking something or the problem hasn't been discussed.

Our little library has a pandemic protocol where books that are returned (in
a drop box) are checked in twice a week, then put on a special quarantine table.
On Sunday a volunteer comes in and sanitizes the books.  Then they can be
checked out again.

The problem has to do with holds.  When a book with a hold is checked in,
the librarian has to respond to Koha's popup in one of two ways: press 
or press "Ignore":

1. If the librarian presses "Confirm", then the patron will eventually
notice when they log into to their account that the book is ready
for pickup, when in fact it is on the quarantine table and is NOT

2. If the librian presses "Ignore", then the patron won't get notified
that their book is ready for pickup.  Instead, their hold is
still pending and the book is seen as available in the catalog.

Either choice isn't quite right.  What we'd like to have happen is for
the patron somehow to be informed that their book is ready for pickup
not when it's checked in, but AFTER it's gone through the quarantine
process, which takes an unpredictable amount of time.

I don't see how the CART shelving location functionality and cron job
can deal with both holds and unpredictable quarantine times.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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