
I recently have noticed that when I (or any user) try to update my personal
details through the OPAC, it generates an error message that states, "You
have not filled out all required fields. Please fill in all missing fields
and resubmit."

No required fields have been left unfilled. Is anyone else experiencing
this and/or have any ideas for what might fix this problem? Users can
change  passwords and pay fines through the OPAC, no problem, it's just the
personal details that can't be changed, when before they could be (as I
have it set that they should be allowed to).

Any help with this issue would be very appreciated!!!

*Vickie Jacobs*

*Librarian, Oman Library*
202-785-1141 ext.229 or 222

*Inspiring dialogue. Empowering change.*
1763 N ST. NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036  |  www.mei.edu

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