Hi David

> 2) running cron jobs
> OK, so according to what I've see in the documentation, cron jobs are
> supposed to be in /bin or /misc

Actually they're not. At least not if you're using the Debian package installation as I assume.

> Nope.
> In /etc I did find the directories
> cron.d
> cron.daily
> cron.hourly
> cron.monthly
> cron.weekly

What you are probably looking for are the scripts in "/etc/cron.d/koha-common", "/etc/cron.daily/koha-common" etc.

There you'll see the scripts for cronjobs are actually in directory "/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs".

> and the file
> crontab
> Is this what I'm looking for?
> I would like to run the job
> link_bibs_to_authorities.pl

This is not a cronjob. You run this once you have loaded your title data and your authority data.

> where is this and how do I run it?  Again, the documentation is not
> really helpful in getting started here.  What does the actual command
> line code look like for this particular job (assuming I can find it
> somewhere in some directory ...)

You'll find it in directory "/usr/share/koha/bin". More information about this can be found here:

* https://perldoc.koha-community.org/misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.html

Hope this helps.

Best wishes: Michael
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