Hello, all!

    In our latest exchange, on 16 Sept. 2021 at 09:00 [JST], I received the
following from Hector Gonzalez Jaime <ca...@genac.org>:

[Originally 15 Sept. 2021 at 18:25]:

Hi, as with anything else, you should first have a good (tested) backup of
> everything. Koha, server software, and database.
> Then, if you used the debian packages, you should check which version you
> are "tracking", something like:
> grep -Ri koha /etc/apt/*
> would return something like:
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list:deb
> http://debian.koha-community.org/koha 19.11 main
> That means there is a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list which you
> should edit and change to the version you want to track now. The content
> of the file would be:
> deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha 21.05 main
> if you want to track koha 21.05
> Then you would:
> apt-get update
> apt-get upgrade
> and it should do the upgrade.  With the following exception, if apt-get
> upgrade says it would need to update mariadb-server or mysql-server, then
> you should upgrade that first and separately, like this:
> apt-get update
> apt-get install mariadb-server-10.3
> apt-get upgrade
> If you don't upgrade mariadb first, it will be DOWN when koha wants to
> upgrade the database, leaving you with a half upgraded system.  (And using
> that backup).
> Hope this helps.

[A few minutes later, at 18:44, he sent this:]

I forgot something, if koha requires additional software to be installed,
> when you run apt-get upgrade it will say something like this:
> The following packages have been kept back:
>    koha-common
> In this case, you will need to do:
> apt-get dist-upgrade
> which will install the needed packages and then it will upgrade koha.

    Many thanks! This will help enormously.

    We will be upgrading on a test/demonstration/development machine before
we do so to the production machine. I've been involved in upgrades and
updates of too many other software packages to know not to do so on the
production machine right off. Only after the staff are satisfied that the
test machine functions properly is the production machine updated or

    Thanks again!


    気を付けて。 /ki wo tukete/ = Take care.

    -- Charles.

    Charles Kelley, MLS
    PSC 704 Box 1029
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    Charles Kelley
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    〒242-0002 JAPAN

    +1-301-741-7122 [US cell]
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    mnogoja...@aol.com [h]
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