Good afternoon,

I'm experiencing an issue where if I'm working in the staff interface and kick 
off a long-running Report, I'm unable to navigate to or use Koha in any other 
browser tab, or in any other browser, either in the staff or public interface.  
I've confirmed that this affects other users working on their own machines too; 
in other words, my report interrupts their access.

I doubt that this is intended behavior.  I'm going to try to do some 
query-tuning (any suggestions for tools to use to optimize/identify inefficient 

Any other ideas to troubleshoot this issue?  I found an old list post that 
suggested the Koha Tuning 
Guide<> on the Koha Wiki, 
but it isn't entirely clear to me if it is comprehensive, or if all parts are 
relevant to our issue.  I'm hesitant to blindly start changing values.  Before 
we pursue the tuning, are there any other suggestions?  Is this really a 
problem that is expected to happen?

I should add that long queries that need to be run on a routine basis, we'd run 
via cronjob.  However, I'm worried that staff who work solely on the web might 
inadvertently run a big one-off report (or do a huge record load, also a 
problem), and bring down the whole system.

FWIW, we have two processors:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz.  We 
have about 1.3 million records and the same number of items.  We're using MySQL 
5.7, and Koha 20.11.06.

Regarding RAM, this is the output of the "free" command, if relevant:

                        total        used          free                shared   
 buff/cache   available
Mem:       65308616       2038820    41354324      107800    21915472     
Swap:       8257532         780            8256752

Tasha Bales
Enterprise Services


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