KOHA ALL SQL REPORTS Visit: https://youtu.be/scuXS7wVFdM

On Mon, 1 Nov 2021, 10:36 pm Lennon Mazonde, <len...@kohasupport.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Koha has two fields where you can store an item's value - 952$g
> (purchase price) and 952$v (replacement price). You can create an SQL
> report in the reports module to total the value of these fields, which
> would give you the total value of your collection (assuming that you
> added the required field data to all of your items). Here's an SQL
> statement you could try - you can modify it better suit your needs (I
> recommend using the Guided Reports module unless you're comfortable with
> writing SQL statements):
>         SELECT sum(items.replacementprice),sum(items.price),
> items.itemnumber,items.barcode,items.itemcallnumber,biblioitems.isbn,biblio.title,items.replacementprice,items.price
>         FROM items LEFT JOIN biblioitems on
>         (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) LEFT JOIN
>         biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
>         GROUP BY items.replacementprice,items.price
>         ORDER BY biblio.title asc
> Now, the more difficult question is what to do with your board? I don't
> have any magic answers for that but perhaps you could start by creating
> a list of pros/cons for/against Koha or integrated school management
> system (it would be helpful to know the name). It may even turn out that
> the board is right  - I have my doubts, in my experience bundled systems
> tend to be Jacks of all trades and masters of none, but it's better if
> you do the research.
> I hope this helps and all the best with your board!
> Lennon Mazonde
> www.kohasupport.com
> len...@kohasupport.com
> WhatsApp @ (+1) 717.489.0195
> On 11/1/21 5:27 PM, Steve Austin wrote:
> > Hi team..
> >
> > I am having a challenge. Am in a school library using KOHA but the
> > directors want to have an integrated school management system including a
> > library module. They are specifically concerned with being able to know
> the
> > total value of the resources in the library.
> >
> > Is there a way I can defend myself and still have KOHA give them the
> > opportunity to view to total value of library collection integrated into
> > their school managememt system?
> >
> > Or are there ways of generating reports giving the total value of our
> > library collection?
> >
> > Regards
> > Steve.
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