Hi Katrin

> It looks like there are 3 rules defined for issuelength, one for 'All
> libraries' and 2 for the branchcode 'FIR'. Could it be that the rules
> for FIR are used? If the empty issuelength was interpreted as 0 that
> could explain the behavior.

Ha - yes indeed! As soon as I entered a loan period of 1643 for the two patron categories in the (somewhat hidden) branch rules the problem was gone.

The representation of the circulation conditions was always confusing for me since you first need to select the library to see the actual rules of the various branches. Especially if a library has in fact just one branch but is entering some rules for "all libraries" and some more for their branch.... it's too easy to forget about these other sets of rules behind the "select a library" button.

Thanks so much for the hint!

Best wishes & a happy weekend: Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E m...@adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch

On 10.12.21 10:51, Michael Kuhn wrote:
Hi Katrin

You wrote:

> this one is really puzzling. Would you mind sharing your configuration
> from the circulation_rules table? I wonder if something got "stuck"
> there.
> SELECT * from circulation_rules;

No problem, you'll find the output of the SELECT statement below.

Best wishes: Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E m...@adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch

MariaDB [koha_fir]> SELECT * from circulation_rules;
+----+------------+--------------+----------+----------------------------------+------------+ | id | branchcode | categorycode | itemtype | rule_name        | rule_value | +----+------------+--------------+----------+----------------------------------+------------+
|  1 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | maxissueqty | 50         |
|  2 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | maxonsiteissueqty | 100        |
|  3 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | maxissueqty | 100        |
|  4 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | maxonsiteissueqty |            |
|  5 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | maxissueqty | 150        |
|  6 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | maxonsiteissueqty | 150        | |  7 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | restrictedtype |            | |  8 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | restrictedtype |            | |  9 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | restrictedtype |            |
| 13 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | fine        | 0.000000   |
| 14 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | fine        | 0.000000   |
| 15 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | fine        | 0.000000   |
| 16 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | finedays |            |
| 17 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | finedays |            |
| 18 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | finedays |            |
| 19 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | maxsuspensiondays |            | | 20 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | maxsuspensiondays |            | | 21 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | maxsuspensiondays |            | | 22 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | suspension_chargeperiod        | 1          | | 23 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | suspension_chargeperiod        | 1          | | 24 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | suspension_chargeperiod        | 1          |
| 25 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | firstremind |            |
| 26 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | firstremind |            |
| 27 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | firstremind |            |
| 28 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | chargeperiod |            |
| 29 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | chargeperiod |            |
| 30 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | chargeperiod |            |
| 31 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | chargeperiod_charge_at        | 0          | | 32 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | chargeperiod_charge_at        | 0          | | 33 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | chargeperiod_charge_at        | 0          |
| 34 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | accountsent |            |
| 35 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | accountsent |            |
| 36 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | accountsent |            |
| 37 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | issuelength | 1643       |
| 38 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | issuelength |            |
| 39 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | issuelength |            |
| 40 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | lengthunit | days       |
| 41 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | lengthunit | days       |
| 42 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | lengthunit | days       |
| 43 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | hardduedate |            |
| 44 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | hardduedate |            |
| 45 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | hardduedate |            |
| 46 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | hardduedatecompare        | -1         | | 47 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | hardduedatecompare        | -1         | | 48 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | hardduedatecompare        | -1         | | 49 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | renewalsallowed        | 10         | | 50 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | renewalsallowed        | 0          | | 51 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | renewalsallowed        | 0          | | 52 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | renewalperiod        | 200        | | 53 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | renewalperiod |            | | 54 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | renewalperiod |            | | 55 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | norenewalbefore |            | | 56 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | norenewalbefore |            | | 57 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | norenewalbefore |            |
| 58 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | auto_renew | 0          |
| 59 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | auto_renew | 0          |
| 60 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | auto_renew | 0          |
| 61 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after        |            | | 62 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after        |            | | 63 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after        |            | | 64 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit |            | | 65 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit |            | | 66 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | no_auto_renewal_after_hard_limit |            | | 67 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | reservesallowed        | 0          | | 68 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | reservesallowed        | 0          | | 69 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | reservesallowed        | 0          | | 70 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | holds_per_record | 1          | | 71 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | holds_per_record | 0          | | 72 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | holds_per_record | 0          | | 73 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | holds_per_day |            | | 74 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | holds_per_day |            | | 75 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | holds_per_day |            | | 76 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | onshelfholds        | 1          | | 77 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | onshelfholds        | 2          | | 78 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | onshelfholds        | 2          | | 79 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | opacitemholds        | N          | | 80 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | opacitemholds        | N          | | 81 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | opacitemholds        | N          | | 82 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | overduefinescap |            | | 83 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | overduefinescap |            | | 84 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | overduefinescap |            | | 85 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | cap_fine_to_replacement_price    | 0          | | 86 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | cap_fine_to_replacement_price    | 0          | | 87 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | cap_fine_to_replacement_price    | 0          | | 88 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | article_requests | no         | | 89 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | article_requests | no         | | 90 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | article_requests | no         |
| 91 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | note |            |
| 92 | FIR        | CH           | NULL     | note |            |
| 93 | FIR        | PT           | NULL     | note |            |
| 94 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | decreaseloanholds |            | | 95 | NULL       | NULL         | NULL     | unseen_renewals_allowed        |            | +----+------------+--------------+----------+----------------------------------+------------+
92 rows in set (0.046 sec)

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