Dear Charles

yes this makes a difference
then you where on of the early adopters ;-)

but the principle stays the same

> ps -aux | grep elasticsearch

check if the process is there

koha-elasticsearch --rebuild -d -v koha

you can find details for this on the wiki

or here

Kind regards

Hofrat Mag. Rainer Stowasser
Head of Library and Archives ZAMG

> Am 10.02.2022 um 10:46 schrieb Charles Kelley <>:
> Hello, Rainer!
>     Thanks for responding.
>     I ran the command 
> #koha-zebra -status
>     but the shell reported nothing. In my limited understanding of Linux, 
> this means there was nothing to run, but the executable is on the system. 
> That said, we are running ElasticSearch instead of Zebra. Does that matter?
>     Many thanks.
>     In our latest exchange, on 10 Feb. 2022 at 16:49 [JST], I received the 
> following from Rainer Stowasser:
> it seems that your zebra process is not running
> you need a shell
> see
> section zebra
> check if zebra is still there
> >koha-zebra —status
> and if not you can 
> —restart
> or rebuild your zebra index
> >koha-rebuild-zebra nameofyourinstance
> Kind regards
> Hofrat Mag. Rainer Stowasser
> Head of Library and Archives ZAMG
>     In an earlier exchange, on 10 Feb. 2022 at 14:53 [JST], I wrote:
>>    My library's system has stopped indexing new records. Case in point: I
>> added Starlog to our catalog, and five ours later, it still does not appear
>> when searched. We've also added a few more authority headings, but several
>> hours later, they too cannot be found.
>>    So is it possible to restart the indexing? Failing that, is is possible
>> to reindex the entire catalog? I'd like to learn this now before we upgrade
>> to 20.05 or 20.11 this spring or summer.
>>    Many thanks.
>> P. S. Running Koha 19.05 on Debian 9 "Buster".
>>    (When we upgrade to 20.XX, we'll also upgrade to Debian 10 or 11.)
> -- 
>     よろしくお願いします。
>     -- Charles.
>     Charles Kelley, MLS
>     PSC 704 Box 1029
>     APO AP 96338
>     Charles Kelley
>     Tsukimino 1-Chome 5-2
>     Tsukimino Gaadenia #210
>     Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken
>     〒242-0002 JAPAN
>     +1-301-741-7122 [US cell]
>     +81-80-4356-2178 [JPN cell]
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