It sounds like you don't have the '' cronjob set to
run on the server.

Best regards

El dom, 17 jul 2022 10:51, Lianda Coetzer <> escribió:

> Good day
> I am the Librarian at Akademia, a private higher education institution in
> South Africa. I have 28 years of experience as a librarian and we have been
> using Koha for the past two years.
> I have a question regarding setting up the overdue notices. I have
> installed the plugin: patron emailer -  but my messages keep on pending.
> Could anybody advise on what I am doing wrong? I have created a CSV list
> from notices and slips and also tried the list created from the circulation
> module - overdues - but still no success.
> Any assistance will be highly appreciated.
> Kind regards
> Lianda
> Vriendelike groete / Kind regards
> [Logo] <>
> Lianda Coetzer
> Bibliotekaris
> Librarian
> Akademia, Gerhardstraat 117, Centurion // 0861 222 888
> [Logo] <>
> [Logo] <>
> Akademia MSW (Maatskappyregistrasienommer: 2005/024616/08) is by die
> Departement van Ho?r Onderwys en Opleiding as privaat
> ho?ronderwysinstelling geregistreer ingevolge die Wet op Ho?r Onderwys,
> 1997 Registrasienommer: 2011/HE08/005 | Akademia NPO (Company Registration
> Number: 2005/024616/08) is registered with the Department of Higher
> Education and Training as a higher education institution in terms of the
> Higher Education Act, 1997 * Registration number: 2011 / HE08 / 005
> Die volle inhoud van hierdie e-pos en enige aanhangsels wat met die
> amptelike sake van Akademia verband hou, is die privaat eiendom van
> Akademia. Dit is vertroulik, wetlik geprivilegeer en regtens beskerm.
> Akademia besit en onderskryf nie enige ander inhoud nie. Die menings en
> opinies is di? van die afsender, tensy daar duidelik gemeld word dat dit
> di? van Akademia is. Die persoon aan wie die e-pos gerig is, is die enigste
> gemagtigde ontvanger daarvan. Stel die afsender asseblief dadelik in kennis
> indien die e-pos u onopsetlik bereik het en moet nie die inhoud lees,
> openbaar maak of op enige wyse gebruik nie, maar skrap dit permanent van u
> stelsel. Akademia kan nie verseker dat die integriteit van hierdie
> kommunikasie intak is of dat dit vry van foute, virusse, onderskeppings of
> steurings is nie.
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