Greetings, all!

We would like to activate the GDPR and Pseudonymization settings in our 
instance. However, the instance does not pass the check indicated by the 
caution: "Pseudonymization must only be turned on if the 'bcrypt_settings' 
configuration entry exists and is correctly filled in the Koha configuration 
file." At present, there is no further guidance provided. I see the following 
lines in the file /etc/koha/

<!-- This is the bcrypt settings used to generated anonymized content -->

What form should the content of this line and these settings take? What is the 
standard or 'best practice'? Are there limits? Should they be entered in this 
file, or should they be entered in the individual site's koha.conf file?

Similarly, I would like to know what form the encryption key should take in 
this section:

<!-- Encryption key for crypted password or sensitive data -->

Are there any risks or drawbacks to enabling these settings on a live site? 
(I'm executing them first on a QA server with a robust backup system, but it 
helps to know what to expect.)

Thank you for considering my questions and offering your guidance!


David Liddle

Koha mailing list

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