Hi collective wisdom,

Are there other libraries out there using the fairly new (as of 22.05)
Recalls feature? Our prior ILS had recalls so we were looking forward to
using this but as our circulation staff tested it, we began running into
some problems. I've read the wiki page
<https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Catalyst_IT_Recalls> and the manual
but they either omit some details or there are bugs. Here are our issues:

There's no indication from a patron's details page if their items have been

When you check in an item with a recall on it, a pop-up does not appear
like the documentation says and a notification is not sent to the patron
who placed the recall.

If the current due date on a checked out item is closer than the recall
period, recalling an item *extends* the due date (e.g. item is due
tomorrow, recall period is one week, recall => item is due in one week).

Question: if the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay setting controls recall expiration,
then what does the "Recall pickup period" circulation rule do?

The *Place recall* action displays even when it's not relevant (e.g. on a
bib with all available items).

Finally, if you are not logged in and you select *Place recall*, you are
taken to the login page, then to the patron details page. You have to
re-navigate to the place you were originally to place the recall again. I
have a convoluted OpacUserJS hack to work around this but thought I should
point this out, it doesn't match user expectations.

Are we doing something wrong? Or should I file some bug reports for these
issues? If anyone else is using recalls in production, I would love to hear
from you.


ERIC PHETTEPLACE Systems Librarian, Libraries (he/him)

ephettepl...@cca.edu | o 510.594.3660 (cca)

*CCA is situated on the traditional unceded lands of the **Chochenyo and
Ramaytush Ohlone** peoples.*

Black-owned bookstores in Oakland: Ashay by the Bay
<https://ashaybythebay.com/>, Marcus Books

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