Hi folks

We've just found out that when users on our system click on preceding 
entry/succeeding entry links for journals in OPAC they get sent to a "ti,phr:" 
search for the other journal title's name (which when we're dealing with 
generic titles or with titles that have a voluminous supplement series can be 
problematic - users might expect to be linked to a single record rather than 
potentially page after page of title search results). Is there any way we can 
link specific records with other specific records through the 780/785 MARC 
tags? (I suspect there might be something we can do with the MARC Framework 
we're using but I don't really trust myself to fiddle in there without 

Before I break the system or get exotic with possible fixes, does anyone have 
any idea how we might link records with 780 and 785 tags?

With kind regards from the Dalton McCaughey Library Team

Carlos Lopez

Dalton McCaughey Library | 29 College Crescent, Parkville, VICTORIA 3052
Ph: 03 9340 8888 ext.1 | libr...@dml.vic.edu.au<mailto:libr...@dml.vic.edu.au> 
| library.dmlibrary.org.au


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