
are there any JavaScript errors on the page maybe? You should be able to
check if you press F12 and then check the Console tab in the developer
tools in your browser.

Are there any entries in IntranetUserJs system preference?

Hope this helps,


On 06.05.23 07:18, MASTeR Library wrote:
Hi Koha Community Members,
If I click on the quick menu options in Koha 22.11.5, the options do not
change, for example, check-in, renew, search patrons, search the catalogue,
etc., if I click the Check-in option, but the search box does not change
the above options. I have enclosed the screenshot link kind your reference.
I waiting for your's valuable reply.

Screenshot Link:https://i.ibb.co/tQMkBJp/Screenshot-2023-05-06-09-59-46.png

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