Hi Jonathan and team,

I had a look at the Weblate interface and it's very nice. I don't really have many comments or feedback on this part as I find it's very similar to Pootle (a bit busier, but we'll get used to it). The things are not in the same place, but they are there and we can translate, which is the most important part! :)

I'm not sure you/we can change the interface much anyway. If we do have some way to improve the interface, my wish would be to make the context a bit more prominent. For example, this string http://translate.test.koha-community.org/translate/koha/23-05-x-messages-js/fr_CA/?checksum=f30dc6c2c40cb193 has the context 'Bibliographic record'. It's really easy to spot in the table at the bottom of the page as there is an entire column for the context. However, in the top part, it's on the right and not really obvious to spot unless you look specifically for it. Would there be a way to make the context clues a bit more visible (maybe something like the marc21 URL here http://translate.test.koha-community.org/translate/koha/23-05-x-installer/fr_CA/?checksum=b427d29553f6eb87 )?

I'm really excited about the search feature as I found the one on Pootle really limiting and frustrating.

My concerns/questions are mostly on the management.

I am currently a "manager" (or something, I don't really remember the terms) of the fr-CA language. I assign members to my "team" and give them "roles" (again, not sure of the terms, but it's something like that). And I'm part of the handful who can export and import po files to my language. Is this still a thing in Weblate? Or is everyone part of every language and we don't really have to (micro-)manage it anymore? Right now it looks like I can translate any language with the account I created. I was wondering if it was just the test that was like that or if it's going to be like that when in production.

And secondly, I'm sure you've seen this one coming... will we be able to generate the files for the manual and generate translated manuals? :D We can talk about it more later (maybe even in person!) as I'm sure it's a complex answer. As docs team member and former docs manager, and translation team member, it's something close to my heart that has been neglected recently. I'm hoping the new system will allow us as a community to develop tools so that non-devs (as docs team members and managers usually are) can help generate the strings and translated manuals and it doesn't all fall on the shoulders of one or two people. The needs are mostly 1) a way to generate the po files for all languages for a specific manual branch, and 2) a way to generate the translated manuals for all languages for a specific manual branch. These two things could be automated, like each month or each week. Point # 1 used to be automated (I think daily?), but I don't think the creation of files for a *new* manual branch was automated (which I think is what made us fall off the wagon so to speak). Point #2 was also automated I think at one point (the manuals were posted here https://translate.koha-community.org/manual/ ). We used to have this tool to do it manually https://translate.koha-community.org/tools/ but it hasn't been updated in a while. Again, I think it was at the creation of a new manual branch that the process went sideways. Others might be able to complete or refute my comments; knowledge of this part of translation/manual is fragmented and I think none of us know the whole thing. So I might very well be wrong on some things.... Like I said, we can talk more about it later, I just wanted to expose what I think are the needs for us. :)

Thank you for this!


On 2023-07-13 11:12, Jonathan Druart wrote:
Hello everybody,

If you are a translator of Koha you should read this.

Pootle is dead and we should move to Weblate, which is an active and
well maintained project.
We have been setting up a test server to let translators see how it goes.
THIS IS A TEST SERVER: none of the changes will be saved!

There are some changes in how the projects are structured.
We will now have 2 projects: "koha" and "koha-manual". Each will
contain several "components".
One component in Pootle can only track on po file, which means we need
one component per po file:
https://translate.test.koha-community.org/projects/koha/ shows

It can be a bit disturbing at first, but there is this view:
https://translate.test.koha-community.org/languages/es/koha/ that
shows the progress per language: https://snipboard.io/UCJ1Ky.jpg

The big win are:
* We should no longer get "Critical errors: Python brace placeholders"
(to be confirmed)
* Translation changes will be propagated between the components of a
given project, and so between versions: if you modify a string for
23.05 it will also modify it for the other branches! (to be confirmed
as well!)

guest user (not logged in) can only make suggestions:

User reviewer/6Mx1&a2S$HU*1KNbzCZV can accept suggestions.

You are welcome to test and provide feedback!

There is still a lot of work before effectively doing the migration,
but we need first to know if users/translators are happy with it!

Let us know!

PS: About the structure of the projects, I've contacted the author of
Weblate: https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/discussions/9556
Next version will add a mecanism to structure components within a project!

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