Hi folks

We're having a WordPress web site designed for the library by our owning 
institution. We're very fond of our Koha Coverflow new books carousel and we're 
hoping that we can have something like it on our new web site. Has anyone had 
any success with this?  We've seen that there's a WordPress plugin 
(https://wordpress.com/plugins/library-bookshelves) that does something 
similar, but we've not yet had a chance to look at this properly.

With kind regards from the Dalton McCaughey Library Team

Carlos Lopez

Dalton McCaughey Library | 29 College Crescent, Parkville, VICTORIA 3052
Ph: 03 9340 8888 ext.1 | libr...@dml.vic.edu.au<mailto:libr...@dml.vic.edu.au> 
| https://library.dmlibrary.org.au


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