Ok , the problem is solved now . 

The failure was because of the plugin
https://github.com/ldjamison/koha-plugin-room-reservations which use the
same table bookings as also the new feature

Already an issue is raised :




From: gvera...@dataly.gr <gvera...@dataly.gr> 
Sent: Δευτέρα, 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 10:01 πμ
To: 'koha@lists.katipo.co.nz' <koha@lists.katipo.co.nz>
Subject: Koha 23.11 circulation problem


Hi all, 


After upgrade to 23.11 we have a problem on circulation module. 

When trying to check-out an item on intranet-error.log we get
"DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: Unknown column 'me.booking_id' in 'field list' at
/usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Objects.pm line 317" 


Can anyone help ? 

I search to Bugzilla but didn't find any known bug on that. 



George Veranis



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