Greetings to Vietnamese Communist Party

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea today sent a
congratulatory message to the c.c., the Vietnamese Communist Party on the
occasion of the 70th anniversary of its
    It reads:
    The Vietnamese Communist Party, founded and strengthened and developed
by Ho Chi Minh, organized and
led the struggle against the imperialists' colonial rule and the struggle
of national salvation against the U.S. to
victory and achieved complete liberation of the country and national unity.
    Under the leadership of the party led by Le Lha Phieu, the Vietnamese
people have made great progress in
socialist construction and defense of the country with Marxism-Leninism and
Ho Chi Minh's idea as guidelines.
    Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two parties and two peoples would be
further consolidated and developed, it wished the party and the people of
Vietnam greater success in their struggle
for the victory of the socialist cause.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
gift from the delegation of the
National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba that visited the DPRK.
    Jose Luis Toledo, president of the Permanent Commission of
Constitutional and Juridical Affairs, who is
heading the delegation handed it over to an official concerned.

Preparatory committees formed abroad

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for celebrating
the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il were inaugurated in different countries.
    Inaugural meetings were recently held in the Czech Republic, Ethiopia
and Zimbabwe.
    Speakers at the inaugural meetings said that the preparatory committees
were formed to more significantly mark
February 16, common holiday of humankind, and called for widely introducing
and propagandizing the idea and
leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il through colourful functions.
    The meetings discussed on the publication of bulletins and colourful
functions to be conducted during the
celebration period.
    Messages of greetings to Kim Jong Il were adopted in the Czech Republic
and Zimbabwe.

International Kothongryon preparatory committee formed

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee of the
International United Confederation of
Koreans (International Kothongryon) for celebrating the 58th birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il was
inaugurated on January 24.
    Sok Myong Son, Honorary Chairman of the International Kothongryon, was
elected chairman of the
    The committee set a period of celebration from February 3 to 18 and
decided on action program.

Korean people's struggle supported by Guinean President

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Guinean President Lansana Conte met
with the DPRK ambassador to his
country on January 27.
    On the occasion the President said that the friendly and cooperative
relations between Guinea and Korea are
special ones and Guinea will always side with the Korean people.
    He went on:
    Korea is a united country strong in independence. Korea will surely be
a prosperous country because the
Korean people are single-heartedly united around Marshal Kim Jong Il and
their military power is strong.
    Kim Jong Il is now pursuing the policy of attaching importance to the
matters of educating people in one
ideology, strengthening the army and developing science and technology,
which is very important and just.
    The reunification of Korea will surely be achieved because the policy
set forth by Kim Jong Il for national
reunification is just and all the people unanimously support it.

U.S.-S. Korea military maneuvers

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and the South Korean
authorities kicked off provocative joint
military maneuvers in the sea around the Korean peninsula from January 31,
according to a foreign press report.
    Involved in the maneuvers to be continued until February 3 were seven
warships including latest U.S.
nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Stennis and cruiser Port Royal.
    The warmongers announced they would conduct operations for detecting
submarines of the "enemy."
    It shows that their DPRK-targeted war provocation moves are committed
at a practical stage.

Ridiculous argument about "engagement"

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- South Korean "Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade" Ri Jong Bin, when
meeting foreign representatives in Seoul, said he would steadily promote
the "engagement policy toward the north,"
according to a report.
    The utterances of the newly-appointed Foreign Minister indicate that
the South Korean authorities will continue
the "engagement policy" in diplomatic policy.
    This betrays the sinister attempt of the South Korean authorities to
continue pursuing the policy of north-south
confrontation and lead the situation of the Korean peninsula to escalating
    The "engagement policy" is, substantially, the policy of north-south
    It is because the "engagement policy" is aimed at "changing" the system
of the north and inveigling the north
into "reform" under the pretext of "security."
    The "security" on their lips is the other side of the war policy and a
camouflage to destroy the system of the
    This means that the "engagement policy" is the anti-national and
anti-reunification policy of north-south
    That is why the "engagement policy" has become a target of denunciation
from the nation and fellow
countrymen and has been rejected within and without and thrown on the
rubbish heap of history.
    The South Korean authorities are loudly talking about "achievements" of
the "engagement policy" whenever
opportunity arises, which is a foolish trick to embellish this worn-out policy.
    The remarks of ri jong bin prove that he is a contemptible follower of
the present chief executive of South Korea
and a pursuer of anti-north confrontation and a traitor to the nation.
    Never should it go unnoticed that he made every effort to sway other
countries to carrying on the "engagement
    He said he would encourage all countries to engage the north, which is
a foolish balderdash to isolate and stifle
the north.
    The South Korean authorities should stop pursuing the ridiculous
"engagement policy" and join in the trend of
great national unity, a prerequisite to the reunification of the country.

U.S. urged to make official apology and compensation

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The U.S. aggressors committed mass
killings wherever they went in South
Korea and the North Korea during the Korean War in wanton violation of the
international law and ethics and
    Though there is a confirmation of their massacres by the recently
declassified military documents and
confession of war veterans, the United States is taking such an ambiguous
attitude as asserting it is difficult to
believe them.
    In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says the
unheard-of mass killings by GIs can
never be concealed.
    The commentary goes on:
    The aim sought by the United States is to hush up the mass killings
committed in Korea to flee from the
responsibility for them and avoid an official apology and compensation for
    Drawing attention to the fact that the countries and nations that
provoked a war and committed massacres in the
past have already made a repentance, apology and compensation for their
wrongdoings or are doing so, it continues:

    The United States is the criminal that provoked the Korean war and, at
the same time, a defeated country that
went down on its knees before the Korean people. It should, therefore,
honestly fulfil its obligation as a defeated
nation under the international law.
    The U.S. negation of its start of the Korean War and massacres in the
'50s is nothing but an intention to repeat
such crimes.
    The Korean people can never forget the U.S.'s massacres but will fight
on till they make an official apology and
compensation for them.

KCNA on U.S. anti-DPRK diatribe

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The United States is busy with a
ridiculous diatribe against the DPRK in a
bid to justify the recent grave provocation committed against it in the
demilitarized zone along the Military
Demarcation Line.
    This is well illustrated by a "press communique" issued by the U.S.
command in South Korea on January 25,
pretending to be interested in defusing tensions in the DMZ.
    In its "communique" the U.S. command was shameless enough to dismiss
the DPRK's condemnation of the
U.S. recent provocation in the DMZ.
    It went the length of claiming that "wrong criticism" made by the DPRK
press only reinforced the intention of
Pyongyang to deliberately escalate the tensions on the Korean peninsula and
it was counter-productive in preserving
armistice and reducing the threat of confrontation in the peninsula.
    This sheer sophism is just like a thief crying "stop the thief "
    It is universally known a fact that in recent years the U.S. massively
shipped military equipment into South
Korea and worked out operation plans for a new Korean war and, on this
basis, is staging adventurous war
exercises one after another, while committing ceaseless provocations in
areas along the MDL to ignite a war.
    The west sea incident sparked by the South Korean authorities last year
under the wire-pulling of the U.S.
military clearly suggests that the U.S. is chiefly responsible for the
systematic violation of the Korean Armistice
Agreement and the unpredictable military and political tensions prevailing
on the Korean peninsula.
    The false propaganda made by the United States through the U.S. command
in South Korea is nothing but a
ridiculous trick to justify its violations of the Armistice Agreement
committed up to this date since the cease-fire and
evade its political responsibility for the war to be provoked on the Korean
    The peace-loving forces of the world and the unbiased press will never
be tricked by the shameless smear
campaign staged by the U.S., the chieftain of aggression and war, under the
cloak of "peace."

Massacres by GIs denounced abroad

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The massacres committed by GIs during
the Korean War were condemned
in Guyana and Egypt.
    Samuel Walker, chairman of the Guyana Labour Union, in a statement
issued on January 25 said that mass
killings of citizens committed by GIs in Korea, the intentional and
premeditated genocide ordered by the superior,
are all the anti-ethical crime wantonly violating the recognized
international treaty and wartime laws and regulations
on banning targeting non-combatants.
    The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association in a statement on January 26
said that the truth behind the massacres
of civilians by the U.S. in Korea should be probed to the end and those who
are responsible for the crime should be
punished by law as the Nazi war criminals of Germany were.
    The UN should feel just responsible for the atrocities committed by the
United States under the name of the
"UN forces", take necessary measures and break with its unsavory past by
dismantling the "UN command" still
remaining in South Korea.

Agitation for increased production brisk

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- From the outset of the year artistes'
agitation for increased production gets
brisk in the DPRK.
    They visit major industrial establishments and construction sites in
the fields of power and coal industries and
other sectors to conduct multifarious performances and visual and other
agitation, thus encouraging working people
all out to fulfil the tasks set forth in the joint New Year editorial.
    Artistes of the Mansudae Art Troupe and the State National Art Troupe
went to the Pyongyang Thermal Power
Plant, the Thaechon Power Plant and the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive
Works to present colourful programs
explaining the economic policy of the Worker's Party of Korea and
bolstering up workers' zeal for increased
    Artistes of the Phibada Opera Troupe are conducting the front-line
style agitation for increased production by
presenting programs strong in militancy and appeal in pits of coal mines in
Pukchang area, thus helping the coal
miners there overfulfil their daily production plans.
    Meanwhile, provincial art propaganda squads are also active in the
agitation for increased production.
    The art propaganda squad of South Phyongan Province proceeded to the
Sungri General Motor Works to
powerfully encourage its workers in their high-pitched drive to honor this
year's production commitment set higher
than last year on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the WPK.
    The art propaganda squad of Nampho city is entertaining young builders
of the Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway
with scores of poems and songs on the theme of the joint editorial.
    Every monumental edifice which the Korean people boast is associated
with the devoted efforts made by
    They regard it as their duty to visit producers and conduct effective
agitation for increased production whenever
they are confronted with difficult and vast tasks in the course of the
revolution and construction.

Scheme to hold joint military exercise with Britain

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities are
favourably reviewing the proposal of
Britain to launch a joint military exercise of the navy and air forces with
South Korea for a week in June, a foreign
news report said.
    The South Korean warhawks openly said that the joint military exercise
would verify and intensify military
preparations for providing against the north.
    Britain is going to mobilize a tornado fighter squadron and
antisubmarine planes of the navy.

Minju Joson on struggle against corrupt politics

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Civic organizations' anti-candidate
campaign now gaining in scope and
strength in South Korea clearly proves the people's bitter resentment at
their rulers and the strong aspiration and
demand for a new politics, system and life, says Minju Joson today in a
signed commentary.
    Recalling that many civic organizations are campaigning to prevent the
corrupt and incompetent political
charlatans from coming forward as candidates for the South Korean "National
Assembly election" slated for April,
the commentary observes this is a natural outcome of the rotten anti-social
misrule and the corrupt politics of the
    The present "national assemblymen" in South Korea are political quacks
locked in the scramble for power and
swindlers who seek only their own interests.
    The South Korean people are determined not to tolerate such scramble
for power, corruption and irregularities.
    Those forsaken by the people will not be able to escape from a stern
judgement, warns the commentary.

DPRK to emerge victorious in confrontation with enemies

    Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Korea was a scene of the most acute
confrontation with imperialism in the
90s and it was the DPRK that won victory there, observes Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed article, stressing that
the DPRK will emerge victorious in the showdown with the enemies in the
future, too.
    The imperialists came out against the DPRK only to drink a bitter cup
of shame and defeat, misjudging its
people's unshakable faith and will to defend socialism and the country to
the last.
    When the Cold War came to an end the U.S. kicked off a row of "nuclear
inspection" in a bid to provoke the
second Korean war, considering strength almighty and predicting that North
Korea would quickly collapse if it
together with its followers put a political and military pressure upon it.
    But all this brought them only repeated shame and disgrace.
    Finding it impossible to bring us to our knees, the U.S. switched its
strategy toward the DPRK to a carrot
strategy but it could not poke its nose into the internal affair of the
DPRK, the article notes, and goes on:
    The imperialists pinned great hope on the ideological and cultural
poisoning intended to destabilize the DPRK,
but they have failed either to break our single-hearted unity or tear down
our socialist ideological and class positions
even 0.001 mm.
    Their attempt to strangle us through economic sanctions has also come a
    The "carrot" and "stick" strategies of the U.S. and its followers could
not work on us.
    When the enemies took a tough stance towards us we reacted to it with a
toughest stand and answered their
carrot strategy with a firm revolutionary principle. The dream of the
"world's only superpower" turned out to be a
pipe dream.
    We have always stood victorious in all showdowns with the enemies.
Credit for this goes to the great leader
Kim Jong Il who has steered us to triumph. He is a symbol of all the victories.
    No matter how desperately the enemies may cling to both the policy of
strength and carrot strategy, they can
neither destroy the Korean-style socialist system nor break the faith and
will of the Korean people.

For Spanish-speaking people

atcc comenta campana de ee.uu. de justificar provocaciones

    pyongyang, 2 de febrero (atcc) -- en estos dias, ee.uu. perpetra graves
provocaciones contra la republica
popular democratica de corea en la zona desmilitarizada de la linea de
demarcacion militar y, al mismo tiempo, desata
una desvergonzada desinformacion para justificarlas.
    un ejemplo lo constituye la "gaceta de prensa" que la comandancia de
tropas norteamericanas en el sur de corea
dio a conocer el 25 de enero aparentando como si tuviera interes en el
alivio de la tension en la zona arriba
    en la "gaceta" la comandancia en cuestion niega descaradamente la
insistencia de la rpdc que revelo y condeno
sus actos provocativos cometidos recientemente en la zona desmilitarizada.
    para colmo, senala que los "injustos reproches" dados a conocer en las
publicaciones de corea enfatizan la
"intencion de pyongyang de agravar premeditadamente la tension de la
peninsula coreana" y "no son productivos
para mantener el armisticio y disminuir el peligro de confrontacion en la
    tal insistencia norteamericana es, al pie de la letra, un sofisma
descarado del incendiario que grita: "fuego".
    todo el mundo conoce que luego de introducir en sudcorea gran cantidad
de equipos militares y elaborar un
nuevo plan operacional para la provocacion de nueva guerra, en estos anos
los ee.uu. desarrollan sin cesar los
aventureros ejercicios belicos e intensifican de manera sistematica
provocaciones en la zona de la linea de
demarcacion militar para desatar la guerra.
    el incidente de provocacion armada que el ano pasado las autoridades
sudcoreanas perpetraron bajo la
manipulacion de las tropas norteamericanas en el mar oeste de corea
demuestra que ee.uu. es precisamente el pais
que viola y destruye sistematicamente el acuerdo de armisticio de corea y
crea la extremadamente tensa situacion
militar-politica en la peninsula coreana.
    la desinformacion hecha a traves de la "gaceta de prensa" de la
comandancia de las tropas norteamericanas
ocupantes de sudcorea no pasa de ser una ridicula artimana para justificar
de nuevo sus actos de violacion al acuerdo
de armisticio y liberarse de su responsabilidad politica del caso en que
estalle la guerra en la peninsula coreana.
    las fuerzas amantes de la paz y la prensa equitativa del mundo no deben
dejarse enganar por la descarada
desinformacion que desata ee.uu., caudillo de agresion y de guerra, bajo la
mascara de la "paz".

corea triunfara siempre en confrontacion con enemigos, subraya "rodong sinmun"

    pyongyang, 2 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual de hoy senala que en la
decada de los 90 la republica popular democratica de corea fue un lugar del
mas renido enfrentamiento con los
imperialistas, pero triunfo. tambien en el futuro como en el pasado la rpdc
saldra victoriosa siempre en la
confrontacion con los enemigos, senala el articulo y continua:
    los imperialistas, ignorantes de la firme confianza y voluntad del
pueblo coreano de defender hasta el fin el
socialismo y la rpdc, se enfrentaron con esta y sufrieron la derrota
    en los primeros dias despues del fin de la guerra fria ee.uu. al tomar
por medio omnipotente la fuerza considero
que norcorea se derrumbaria facilmente, de ejercerle presion politico -
militar con la movilizacion de las fuerzas
seguidoras y armo alborotos de "inspeccion nuclear" a fin de provocar la
segunda guerra coreana, pero sufrio
verguenzas repetidas.
    al no poder rendir con la fuerza a la rpdc ee.uu. cambio su estrategia
respecto a ella por la de apaciguamiento,
pero no pudo intervenir en nuestros asuntos.
    deposito esperanza en las maquinaciones de penetracion ideo-cultural a
fin de descomponer desde adentro la
rpdc, pero no logro destruir nuestra unidad monolitica ni afectar tampoco
en lo minino las posiciones de ideologia de
clase del socialismo.
    se llevaron al fracaso las maquinaciones de los imperialistas de
asfixiar y estrangular con la sancion economica
la rpdc.
    ni la tactica de "zanahoria" ni la de "latigo" de ee.uu. y sus fuerzas
seguidoras surtieron efecto para nosotros.
    respondimos con la actitud ultraintransigente a la actitud
intransigente de los enemigos y con el firme principio
revolucionario a su estrategia de apaciguamiento.
    se malogra completamente el sueno de la "unica superpotencia".
    hemos logrado siempre brillante victoria en todas confrontaciones con
los enemigos.
    esta victoria se debe a la direccion del gran dirigente kim jong il
quien es simbolo de todas nuestras victorias.
    los enemigos con su politica de fuerza y su estrategia de
apaciguamiento no podran destruir el regimen socialista
coreano ni suprimir la firme fe y voluntad del pueblo coreano.

camarada kim jong il recibe presente de delegacion de an de pp de cuba

    pyongyang, 2 de febrero (atcc) -- el gran dirigente camarada kim jong
il recibio presente de la delegacion de la
asamblea nacional del poder popular de cuba de visita en rpdc.
    lo entrego a un funcionario coreano jose luis toledo, presidente de la
comision de asuntos constitucionales y
juridicos quien preside la delegacion.


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