>will hold computer simulation exercises for a contingency in areas
>surrounding Japan for nine days from Feb. 16.
>    Never should it go unnoticed that the Japanese reactionaries make no
>secret of a contingency scenario on the
>Korean peninsula which will be adopted for the first time in the joint map
>exercises. So to speak, their main purpose
>of the exercises is to complete their plan for reinvasion of Korea in
>cooperation with the U.S. troops and make full
>preparations for an actual war.
>    This indicates that their moves for comeback to Korea are, in fact, at
>the stage of positive practice beyond the
>phase of debate.
>    Last year they enacted a set of laws for putting into force the updated
>"Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation
>Guidelines" under the pretext of a contingency on the Korean peninsula to
>restore "SDF" right of participation in a
>war and right of belligerency. In 2000 they are now reinforcing and
>modernizing the militarist forces under various
>    It is clear to anyone why they are stepping up arms buildup including
>modernization of field guns, new type
>aegis ship building, founding of special armed forces and development of an
>independent intelligence satellite and
>the "Theatre Missile Defense" system.
>    If the Japanese reactionaries ignite a war for reinvasion with the
>dream of "Greater East Asia Coprosperity
>Sphere," it will result in their destruction.
>Spokesman for NDFSK on S. Korean Warmongers' reckless war moves
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the National
>Democratic Front of South Korea
>(NDFSK) on Jan. 29 released a statement condemning the South Korean
>warmongers for becoming more
>undisguised in their preparations for a war of aggression against the north
>from the outset of 2000, according to a
>Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation.
>    What can not go unnoticed is that the South Korean ruling quarters are
>secretly pushing ahead with the
>development of anthrax bacillus to be used in the production of biological
>weapons, he said, and continued:
>    This serious development clearly indicates that the war maniacs of the
>self-proclaimed "people's government"
>are, in fact, working hard to ignite a war of aggression against the DPRK
>on the Korean peninsula, backed by
>outsiders, though they pay lip-service to the "north-south reconciliation
>and cooperation."
>    The Korean nation standing at the crossroads of peace or war and its
>survival or extermination can never remain
>an onlooker to the preparations stepped up by the Kim Dae Jung warlike
>group for a war of aggression against the
>    Calling on the people to resolutely check and frustrate these reckless
>war preparations, he warned the group not
>to act rashly, keenly aware that the preparations for a war against the
>fellow countrymen in the north will only hasten
>its self-destruction.
>S. Korean Warmongers' saber-rattling denounced
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- From the outset of the year the South
>Korean ruling quarters are putting
>spurs on arms-buildup and frantically stepping up preparations for a war of
>aggression against the north together
>with the U.S. aggression troops, thus fanning north-south confrontation and
>war hysteria. Rodong Sinmun today in
>a signed commentary denounces this as unpardonable war moves.
>    The commentary goes on: The DPRK regards the dangerous military moves
>of the U.S. and the South Korean
>ruling quarters as a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean
>peninsula and a declaration of confrontation and
>war against it.
>    The South Korean authorities try to divert elsewhere the resentment of
>the people at them before the "National
>Assembly election" slated for April.
>    The confrontation and war racket can never be a way out for them. Only
>stern punishment by history and the
>people waits for the heinous warmongers running amok to impose a nuclear
>disaster upon the nation after leaving
>South Korea to the outside forces as a field for a war against the north.
>    The warlikers are well advised to be discreet if they want to remain alive.
>U.S.-S. Korea air war exercise
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and the South Korean
>authorities staged one more air war
>exercise in the sky above South Korea on Feb. 1, a military source said.
>    Involved in the joint exercise were planes from the nuclear-powered
>aircraft carrier Stennis belonging to the
>U.S. pacific fleet and fighters of the U.S. air force in South Korea and of
>the South Korean air force.
>    Meanwhile, formations of fighter-bombers and assault planes of the
>South Korean air force conducted a drill of
>maneuverability and deployment in the air over Taegu, Chongju and other
>areas. Over 200 fighter-bombers of the
>U.S. and South Korean air forces staged an exercise of dogfight above Mt.
>Hwangbyong and Paeka islet. A drill of
>spotting and destroying targets was staged by more than 120 fighter-bombers
>and assault planes in the air above
>Yongdong and Wonju areas.
>    More than 700 fighters were involved in air exercises that day.
>Cohen's anti-DPRK diatribe assailed
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
>commentary blasts U.S. Secretary of
>Defense Cohen for his remarks made at a recent press conference reiterating
>the establishment of the "National
>Missile Defense" system under the absurd pretext that there is real "threat
>of North Korean long-range missile" and it
>may grow. He added that he plans to submit to President Clinton this summer
>a recommendation on deploying the
>"NMD" and if approved, the U.S. will have it in place to be deployed for
>action till 2005.
>    The "threat of North Korean missile" touted by the U.S. conservative
>hard-liners quite often is a sheer lie and a
>fiction, the commentary notes, and goes on:
>    The U.S. design remains very wild and dangerous.
>    The intention of the U.S. is to turn the earth and the universe into
>missile bases by developing and deploying
>ultra-modern precision guided missiles capable of flying thousands of
>kilometers under the pretext of the "missile
>threat" from the DPRK. Through this it seeks to have a definite strategic
>edge over the rival forces and put any
>country and region in the range of its strike in a bid to enforce a
>self-opinionated tough policy and establish
>hegemony. Herein lie the aggressive nature and danger of its moves to
>establish the "NMD" under the pretext of the
>"missile threat from North Korea."
>    The U.S. moves to establish the "NMD" can neither be justified nor allowed.
>Annual meeting of group for study of Juche idea held in Ethiopia
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- An annual meeting of the Addis Ababa,
>Ethiopia, Group for the Study of
>the Juche Idea was held on January 22.
>    The meeting stressed the need to make a deep-going study of the Juche
>idea to have better understanding of its
>greatness and vitality and make a study of the leadership exploits of the
>respected Marshal Kim Jong Il who wisely
>leads all the Korean people to the building of a powerful nation.
>    It laid stress on intensifying propaganda and dissemination of the
>Juche idea with a view to applying it to the
>specific conditions of Ethiopia.
>Korean books presented to India
>    Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- A presentation ceremony of Korean books
>was held at the building of the
>central committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on January 28
>with the approach of the 58th birthday
>of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>    At the ceremony works of the President Kim Il Sung and General
>Secretary Kim Jong Il and Korean books
>were conveyed.
>    S. Ramachandran Pillai, politburo member of the c.c., the CPI (Marxist)
>and member of the Lok Sabha, in his
>speech said that the presentation of Korean books on the 58th birthday of
>Kim Jong Il is one more honor of his
>party and all its members.
>    He noted that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are the great leaders of the
>Korean revolution as well as the world
>revolution and that their works are valuable encyclopedia of party and
>state building and important guidelines for the
>revolutionary struggle.


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