>From: Abu Nasr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Follow-Up Committee for the Support of Lebanese Detainees in the Israeli
>Prisons has received a new letter from the KDC where the detainees described
>their moral and physical suffering as well as the barbarous tortures to which
>they were subject to especially the women detainees.
>And the Follow-up Committee is publishing hereby the content of the letter
>that was secretly taken out of the Camp. The letter revealed in their letter
>that all the partial releases that took place lately are no more than Israeli
>attempts to contain the international media pressure and to conceal its savage
>acts as well as those of its pro-militias against the detained hostages and
>especially the women and the old prisoners.
>The letter is also an out loud cry and an appeal to the international
>community to take immediate actions to rescue those detainees from the slow
>death that is jeopardizing their lives.
>The detainees say in their letter:
>"As a result of the very cold weather we suffered from an acute flue and more
>than 30 detainees were transferred to Marjeyoun Hospital for treatment but for
>all cases the sole treatment was painkillers such as Panadol and Morphine.
>The acute flue that invaded the KDC affected strongly the health condition of
>old people especially Ali Ghanwi (60 years old) and Ali Jawad Fakih (70 years
>The young detainees suffered from a severe bronchitis and all night long you
>can only hear constant coughing in the absence of medical treatment."
>The detainees revealed that their physical and psychological condition is
>getting worse more and more. The detainee Hussein Akil is today completely
>blind as a result of the failed operation he had in Israel eight months ago.
>The detainee Riad Kalakiche, held prisoner since February 1986, suffers daily
>from nervous crises, which leave him unconscious.
>The detainee Mujib Turmus needs an immediate catharsis, which is not available
>in Marjyoun Hospital while the detainee Samir Kassem, detained since 1988, is
>completely blind as a result of neglecting his cornea. The derainee Gandhi
>Ayoub suffers from 10 degrees of sight defect. The detainee Ahmed Jaafar has
>suffered a stroke in the Camp and as a result of torture he cannot walk
>The detainees revealed also in their letter that the detainee Nimir Nimir,
>held since 2/2/98, has undergone seven operations for his hernia which was
>resulted by kicking his testicles during investigation while the detainee
>Nihmeh Dakdouk is suffering from asthma and severe case of ulcer.
>Furthermore, the detainees said also the Sayyed Abbasse Fadlallah was
>transferred many times to Marjyoun Hospital because of Tahcycardia. The
>detainee Suleiman Ramadan was also transferred to the said hospital because of
>severe state of depression and in a very bad health condition.
>The detainees also revealed that the women detainees are subjected to
>barbarous tortures. The detainee Najwa Samhat, held with her husband Hussein
>and her son Ahmed, has suffered a severe hemorrhage, was hanged by her hair
>and whipped by the women police officers on her feet that were totally
>bruised. Her lip was cut because of boxing her face. Cold and hot water was
>poured on her body not to mention that she was constantly insulted and
>subjected to psychological pressures such as threatening her to kidnap her
>baby and to kill him in the Camp.
>The journalist Cosette Ibrahim was transferred four times to Marjeyoun
>Hospital as a result of severe infection of the large intestine and she was
>treated by serum in her own cell because she was throwing up everything she
>eats. She is getting more and more thinner and her health condition is
>deteriorating, as she needs a special diet, which is not provided by the
>Israeli forces.
>The detainee Asmahan Khalil is equally subjected to psychological pressures by
>making her hear on a cassette the voice of her old father to undermine her
>morale. The detainees revealed also that Al-Abda Malkani , the old detainee
>who was recently released, is in a state of hysteria and amnesia and she has
>torn down her clothes to protest her continuous detention. Furthermore, the
>detainees confirmed that during the fire accident that broke out around the
>camp many detainees were transferred to Marjeyoun Hospital but the sole
>treatment was Morphine.
>The detainees also added that following the death of the Israeli agent Akel
>Hachem, the water was cut from the camp for three days and they were deprived
>from the sun as punishment.
>The detainees said: our destiny is to struggle and to fight but our body are
>devastated and worn out by illnesses and torture, whether physical or
>psychological, persists and it seems that is will never end. The most ugly and
>dramatic picture is that the village of Ayta Al-Chaab was completely arrested
>and families with all their members are held hostages.
>Our detention is against all international and human laws and the torture we
>are subjected to must entice all states and governments to react but we are
>wondering if those who defend human rights are concerned by our case? Donít we
>deserve a visit from the Committee for Human Rights of the United Nations?
>Donít we deserve an international investigation committee to know closely what
>is truly happening in this most cruel place of the world?
>We urge our brothers, the Lebanese Government, all governments worldwide and
>all human organizations to take our sufferings to public and to put pressure
>on Israel to release us to be saved from this detention camp. And finally we
>salute all consciences around the world.
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