Paek Nam Sun meets new Beninese ambassador

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met
and had a talk with Michel
Adechian, newly-appointed ambassador of Benin to the DPRK, who paid a
courtesy call on him today.

Russian Foreign Minister and his party arrive

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister of Russia Igor Ivanov
and his party arrived here today.
    They were met at the airport by vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
DPRK Ri In Gyu and other officials
concerned, Russian ambassador to the DPRK Valery Denisov and officials of
the embassy.

Personal letter of acting Russian President to Kim Jong I

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a personal letter of acting Russian
President Vladimir Putin.
    It was handed to DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun by Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov on a visit to
the DPRK today.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Russian Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a gift from Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov on a visit to the DPRK.
    It was handed to DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun today.

Talks between DPRK and Russian foreign ministers

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Talks between DPRK Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun and his Russian
counterpart Igor Ivanov took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall this
    Present at the talks were Ri In Gyu, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Kim Pong Ik, vice-Minister of Foreign
Trade, Lieut. General Ri Su Hyon of the Korean People's Army and other
officials concerned from the DPRK side,
and Russian Foreign Minister's party and Valery Denisov, Russian ambassador
to Korea, from the Russian side.
    At the talks they exchanged their views on the issue of relations
between the two countries and a series of
matters of mutual concern.
    The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.

DPRK-Russia treaty signed

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- A treaty of friendship,
good-neighborliness and cooperation between the
DPRK and the Russian Federation was signed here today.
    Present there on the DPRK side were Paek Nam Sun, Foreign Minister, Ri
In Gyu, vice-Foreign Minister, Kim
Pong Ik, vice-Minister of Foreign Trade, Liet. General of the Korean
People's Army Ri Su Hyon and other officials
concerned and on the Russian side Igor Ivanov, Russian Foreign Minister,
and his party and Valery Denisov,
Russian ambassador to the DPRK.
    The two foreign ministers signed the treaty.

Joint statement on concluded DPRK-Russia treaty

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- A DPRK-Russia treaty of friendship,
good neighborliness and cooperation
was signed here today.
    In this regard, DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and Russian Foreign
Minister I. Ivanov released a joint
    The conclusion of the treaty indicates a start of new stage in the
development of mutual relations, the statement
noted, and said:
    Both sides recognize this treaty as a fundamental legal document that
provides a basis for the overall bilateral
relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian
    The treaty was concluded out of the desire of the two sides to
strengthen the traditional friendly relations,
good-neighborliness, mutual trust and multilateral cooperation between the
two peoples, ensure peace and security
in northeast Asia and the rest of the world, respecting the purpose and
principles of the UN Charter, and develop the
equal and reciprocal cooperation, and it does not infringe upon the
interests of a third country.
    Both sides confirm that, on the basis of this treaty, the two
contracting parties are obliged not to conclude any
treaty or agreement with a third country nor join in its action or step, if
they stand against sovereignty, independence
and territorial integrity of any of the parties.
    Both sides will strive to further expand and develop the mutual
relations of friendship and cooperation in
various fields in conformity with the requirements stipulated in the treaty.
    Both sides are convinced that it entirely confirms to the national
interests of all the Korean people and will
contribute to peace and security of Asia and the rest of the world to put a
period to the division of Korea, a constant
factor of international tensions, at an early date and reunify it on the
principles of independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity.

Kim Jong Il praised by Indian official

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Alok K. Nayak, chief editor of the
Indian magazine Micro Cosmic
Illustrate, on Jan. 15 called a press conference in New Delhi as regards
the publication of the book "Great Leader."
    He said: The respected Kim Jong Il is the genius of idea and theory and
the great leader of the people.
    He is indicating the way of the era more brightly by continuously
developing and enriching the treasure-house
of the Juche idea to meet requirements of the advancing era of independence.
    He is the genius of creation and construction who applies the
revolutionary idea and outstanding leadership
ability of the President Kim Il Sung and the people's leader who is taking
warm care of the people with his most
noble virtues.
    He is devoting himself to building a society of paradise where human
independence is fully realized so that the
people may lead an independent and creative life.

Science museum of Kim Il Sung University receives new exhibits

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Recently the science museum of Kim Il
Sung University received Lamna
Cornubica (Gmelln), a rare specimen.
    The fish is 2.2 meters in length, 1.2 meters in girth of its trunk and
95 kilograms in weight.
    It is a wild fish rarely seen in the south and east seas of Korea. It
is usually 1.5 meters long and is of great
academic significance.
    Some days ago, General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent it to the university.
    Kim Jong Il who is deeply concerned for the education and scientific
development in the country has sent many
animal specimens to the university in recent years.
    He sent more than 60 pieces of animal specimen of 57 species including
ceratocottus namiyei and therapon
oxyrhynchus last year alone.
    All these are exhibited at the science museum of the university.
    This museum was opened in October, 1976.
    Exhibited there are over 4,000 pieces of animal specimen and stuffing
such as animals, birds, fishes and
    Also exhibited there are at least 6,000 pieces of botanical specimen
and other specimen of minerals, rocks and
    Exhibits at the museum are on a steady increase.

Regulation related to enforcement of law on protection approved

   Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Recently, the cabinet of the DPRK
adopted a decision on approving the
regulation related to the enforcement of the law on the protection of
valuable animals.
    The regulation is of great significance in consolidating the successes
already achieved in protecting valuable
animals and actively protecting and propagating them as required by the law
so that the mountains and fields may
teem with those animals.
    Classified by the regulation as valuable animals are those animals
helpful to the economic development, the
material and cultural life of the people and the promotion of their health
and conducive to adding beauty to the
landscape of the country.
    They also include those animals of academic significance, those living
in Korea only as well as those animals
whose number is on a steady decrease or those on the verge of extermination.
    This category of animals includes animals under international
protection and those animals which give direct or
indirect benefit to people.
    The regulation has 4 chapters and 37 articles including general
regulation, protection and propagation of
valuable animals, permission and order for hunting and direction,
supervision and control over the work of
protecting valuable animals.
    It provides a legal guarantee for protecting valuable animals by
specific methodology.
    There are 15 sanctuaries for valuable animals, 6 for sea-birds and 4
for marine resources in the DPRK.
    Among those designated as natural treasure are 26 species of animals,
43 species of birds, 2 species of reptiles,
2 species of amphibian, 14 species of aquatic animals, 2 species of
butterflies and 9 species of livestock.
    With this regulation approved, the composition of the Korean animals
will become richer and more diverse.

National photo exhibition opens

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The national photo exhibition to
celebrate the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il opened here with due ceremony on Tuesday.
    Exhibited there are at least 160 photos including photos showing the
last one-year-long on-the-spot guidance of
Kim Jong Il who is leading the struggle for building a powerful socialist
nation with his matchless grit, iron will and
outstanding wisdom and his immortal revolutionary exploits.
    Meanwhile, the exhibition of photos showing sunrise on Mt. Paektu,
sacred mountain of the revolution, was
open on the same day. It will last until Feb. 20.
    Present at the opening ceremony were Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the
Worker's Party of Korea Central
Committee, and officials concerned and overseas Koreans staying in the
socialist homeland.
    Displayed in the exhibition hall are 58 pieces of photos including
those of sunrise on Mt. Paektu in four seasons
and those of a camera-man Paek Nam Sik, who is the advisor to the National
Confederation of Koreans in Australia.

    The photos vividly show magnificent and splendid view of Mt. Paektu
standing imposingly with its
innumerable ranges and peaks being proud of the national wisdom and spirit.
    Paek Nam Sik in his speech said from long ago he wanted to boast over
the world of mysterious scenery of Mt.
Paektu, which rises up in the east demonstrating its majestic appearance,
and through this to make a contribution to
the great unity of the nation and national reunification though trifling.
    He went on: I saw famous mountains and sacred places during visits to
50 odd countries. But I could not find
the most famous mountain and sacred land like Mt. Paektu. It is both in
name and in reality a sacred mountain not
only in my country but also in the world, which must be preserved and proud
of generation after generation.

Egyptian charge d' affaires gives reception

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Shmed Fawzi, charge d' affaires ad
interim of the Egyptian embassy here,
hosted a reception at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps
yesterday on the occasion of the birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Addressing the reception, he said that the Korean people's desire for
independence and peace and the DPRK
foreign policy for friendship with other countries will surely be realised
under the correct guidance of Kim Jong Il.
    Close relations between the two countries, especially, the intimate
relations between President Mohamed Hosni
Mubarak and the President Kim Il Sung and Marshal Kim Jong Il, leaders of
the two countries, will remain as a
good model of cooperation and solidarity, he said, adding:
    Celebrating Kim Jong Il's birthday with the Korean people, I hoped this
year would be a year of great advance
for the prosperity of the DPRK under his wise guidance.
    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in his speech said that Kim Jong Il's
birth on Mt. Paektu, a sacred mountain of
revolution, as a son of the peerless partisan was a great event which
brought about the destiny of the Korean people
and a rosy future of the Korean nation.
    He noted that the Marshal has rendered deep concern to further
consolidating and developing the bonds of good
friendship between the two peoples provided by Kim Il Sung and Egyptian
    He stressed that he will endeavor to further develop and strengthen
friendly and cooperative relations with
Egypt in the future, too, true to Kim Il Sung's behest and Kim Jong Il's

Celebrations of Kim Jong Il's birthday held abroad

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Colorful events are taking place in
different countries on the occasion of the
58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    There were a seminar of representatives of foreign political parties
stationed in Cuba on Kim Jong Il's famous
work "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the
Revolution and Construction", a joint
seminar of Guyanese organizations for study of the Juche idea and a lecture
meeting on his work in Nepal.
    Film shows, photo exhibitions, round-table talks and sports and
cultural events took place in various countries
including Pakistan, Thailand, Democratic Congo, Guinea, the Czech Republic
and Peru.
    Participants in those events said that Kim Jong Il is the sun of Juche
in the 21st century and a great man of the
present era endowed with outstanding ideological and theoretical wisdom and

Glorious 40 years of Chongsan-ri spirit and method

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The Korean people are looking back on
40 years when the President Kim Il
Sung performed immortal exploits in leading the socialist construction to a
brilliant victory with the Chongsan-ri
spirit and the Chongsan-ri method, a communistic way of the guidance of the
masses, created during his on-site
guidance to Chongsan-ri.
    A KCNA reporter had an interview with Hong Myong Ryol, vice-Minister of
Agriculture, Kim Ki Bin,
vice-president of Kim Il Sung Higher Party School, and other officials, on
the occasion of the 40th anniversary of
the creation of the Chongsan-ri spirit and method.
    They said that the Chongsan-ri spirit and method are the perfect idea
and method of guidance of the masses
which carried forward and developed the traditional work method of the
Worker's Party of Korea and principle of
directing the masses in conformity with the new circumstances after the
establishment of the socialist system.
    They continued:
    The essential feature of the Chongsan-ri spirit and method is to place
the interests of the popular masses above
anything else, handle everything to suit their interests, mix with them to
share sweets and bitters with them and
solve problems on the strength of them. It is also to rally them close
around the party and train them to be more
independent and creative human beings.
    The drive to apply the Chongsan-ri spirit and method brought about an
epochal turn in the work of the party,
state and economic institutions.
    The whole process of applying the Chongsan-ri spirit and method is a
history of the brilliant leadership of the
President Kim Il Sung and the outstanding leader Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Jong Il has personified the work method of Kim Il Sung on the
highest level to lead the revolution and
construction in his way.
    Kim Jong Il's long journey of army-first leadership is a noble model in
carrying through the Chongsan-ri spirit
and method.
    Carrying on all work in his way makes it possible to more thoroughly
apply the Chongsan-ri spirit and method
in conformity with the requirements of times and the developing revolution.

Red flag, symbol of Korean revolution

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The red flag is always fluttering on
the march of the Korean people for the
building of a powerful nation.
    It is symbol of victory in the revolutionary struggle of the Korean people.
    One will be a victor if one defends the red flag of the revolution, but
one will be a slave if one abandons it.
    This is the truth experienced by the Korean people in the long
historical period of the revolutionary struggle.
    The red flag of Korea is associated with the whole life of the
President Kim Il Sung. He had held high the red
flag from the first period when he took the road of revolution, led the
anti-Japanese and anti-U.S. wars to brilliant
victories, breaking through all sorts of ordeals and difficulties and built
a powerful socialist country in Korea,
independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in defence.
    He held higher the red flag even when the Korean revolution was faced
with the arduous ordeals caused by the
moves of the modern revisionists and when capitalism was revived in east
European socialist countries.
    This red flag, which he held high in his whole life, is now being held
higher by the leader Kim Jong Il.
    Let us hold high the red flag. This is his faith and will.
    It was at the time when the song "Let us hold high the red flag" was
composed on the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea (October 1995).
    He stressed that the song hardens the determination that a
revolutionary should hold high the red flag in his
whole life.
    The Korean people, bearing his great intention deep in their hearts,
are defending and upholding the red flag to
the end, though the conditions of the country are very difficult owing to
the imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle
the DPRK and several years of serious natural disasters.
    It is the unchangeable will of the Korean people to follow the party
and carry out the revolution as "Song of Red
Flag" says: "Let cowards flinch and traitors sneer= we'll keep the red flag
flying here."
    Although the Korean people push hutches with their shoulders and make
scientific research under difficult
conditions, they advance vigorously full of confidence and optimism,
singing this song of faith.
    The red flag is always the symbol of the Korean revolution.

Winter excursion of KPA soldiers to native home of Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Young soldiers of the Korean People's
Army left Hyesan yesterday on a
winter excursion to the native home of General Secretary Kim Jong Il at the
secret camp on Mt. Paektu on the
occasion of his 58th birthday.
    The excursion contingent is made up of more than 1,500 officials of
organizations of the Kim Il Sung Socialist
Youth League and exemplary soldiers selected from the three services of the
    It is expected to visit the native home at the secret camp on Mt.
Paektu via Pochonbo and Rimyongsu, and then
make an excursion to revolutionary battle sites.
    Prior to departure, the excursionists laid a basket of flowers and
bouquets before the statue of the President Kim
Il Sung in Hyesan city.
    Then followed a meeting to start the excursion.
    A reporter and speakers called upon all the excursionists to learn from
the noble revolutionary spirit of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners in order to prepare themselves more
firmly to be fighters strong in faith and
will and vanguard of the working class, who devotedly defend the Supreme
Commander Kim Jong Il in any
adversity and wipe out the aggressors to the last.
    Meanwhile, officials and members of the union of agricultural workers
of Korea made an excursion to the
native home from Feb. 3 to 7 on the occasion of the February holiday.

Japanese hit for moves to adopt legislation on "suffrage"

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Democratic
Front for the Reunification of the
Fatherland (DFRF) on Tuesday released a statement as regards the "bill on
giving non-Japanese with permanent
resident status the right to vote in prefectural elections" some political
parties of Japan submitted to the house of
representatives on January 21.
    The introduction of the "bill" betrays the Japanese reactionaries' dark
intention to severely violate the democratic
national rights of Korean residents in Japan and incite distrust and
confrontation among the community of Korean
nationals, the statement pointed out, saying:
    The DFRF central committee bitterly denounces this movement, which is
being conducted by the Japanese
reactionaries at the request of the South Korean authorities, as an
unpardonable, criminal deed of undisguisedly
infringing upon sovereignty and dignity of the DPRK and the General
Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon). It is also a premeditated national estrangement move intended
to make Koreans in Japan change their
nationality and assimilate them to Japanese and disintegrate and stifle
    The primary task for the Japanese authorities is to abandon their
anachronistic policy of hostility towards the
DPRK and take substantive steps to provide the Korean residents with
deserved status and rights, not to resort to a
deceptive trick such as "suffrage."
    It is foolish for Japan to call for "improved relations" and
establishment of diplomatic relations with the DPRK
while continuing the anti-DPRK moves without earnest repentance for its
past wrongdoings.
    Japan should promptly withdraw the "bill on prefectural suffrage"
submitted to the diet and stop all the
anti-DPRK and anti-Chongryon moves.
    The South Korean authorities will be to entirely blame for the
consequences arising from their request for
"suffrage" that is an anti-national crime to violate the democratic
national rights of compatriots in Japan and bring the
tragedy of national division even to the community of overseas compatriots.

Immediate withdrawal of "bill on prefectural suffrage" urged

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed
commentary demands an immediate
withdrawal of the "bill on prefectural suffrage" which flouts the destiny
of the Korean residents in Japan,
encroaches upon their interests and brings great misfortune and sufferings
to them.
    Recently some political parties of Japan submitted to the house of
representatives a "bill" on "giving
non-Japanese with permanent resident status the right to vote in
prefectural elections," the commentary says, and
goes on:
    Koreans in Japan should be responsible for winning their rights by
themselves. They cannot gain them by
"participating" in other's politics.
    If the Koreans in Japan participate in Japan's politics under the cloak
of "gaining rights," it will result in
shaping their destiny and future in the interests of the Japanese political
    The "bill", is in essence, aimed at splitting Koreans in Japan and
pitting them against each other and,
furthermore, leading Chongryon (the General Association of Korean Residents
in Japan) to collapse.
    The submission of this dangerous "bill" to the house of representatives
is a product of the reactionary forces'
    The Japanese authorities should not cooperate with the South Korean
authorities in the efforts to adopt the "bill
on prefectural suffrage" but withdraw it and guarantee basic human rights
and stable living conditions to the
Koreans in Japan.
    The South Korean authorities and the South Korean residents association
in Japan should immediately stop all
their vicious moves to divide Koreans in Japan and pit them against each
other and their anti-national and
anti-compatriots "movement for suffrage."

S. Korea: Anti-candidate campaign expanded

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The "Citizens Solidarity for General
Elections" of South Korea and other
civic organizations actively struggled to expand the anti-candidate
campaign to local areas, according to a radio
report from Seoul.
    Members of the organizations on Feb. 3 went to the railway stations and
bus terminals, including the Seoul
railway station plaza, and appealed to travelers to expand the
anti-candidate campaign to local areas and work toward
political reform.
    The organizations on Feb. 4 also staged anti-candidate campaign in
several railway stations and bus terminals in
Seoul distributing lists of unqualified candidates and "action guidelines
for voters."
    The travelers actively responded to the campaign of the organizations.

U.S. urged to compensate for its crimes

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Institute of the
Juche Idea on Feb. 2 made public a
statement in support of the statement of the spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry and the joint appeal of the
DPRK political parties and organizations denouncing the massacres by GIs
during the Korean War.
    The statement said:
    All the massacres by GIs against civilians in the north and south of
Korea during the war were thoroughly
intentional and premeditated mass killings which were carefully prepared in
advance and perpetrated on the order of
their command.
    Progressive humankind who sincerely loves peace and respects human
rights and conscience of the world must
brand the unprecedented massacres by GIs as a hideous crime against
humanity and decisively disclose and
condemn them.
    The chairman of the Madagascar branch of the African Committee of Human
Rights in his statement on Feb. 1
said the U.S. should admit its crimes before the Korean nation and
humankind, be given stern punishment,
compensate for them and take its hands of crimes off Korea.
    He expressed full support to the joint appeal of the DPRK political
parties and organizations to form a
"nationwide ad hoc committee for probing the truth behind the GIs'
massacres" and let the victims play a main role
in settling the issues concerned with the dignity of the Korean nation.
    He hoped that the progressives of the world will actively respond to this.

Defector Kim Ryang Gi supports election-related struggle

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Ryang Gi, defector to the north
from the south, published an article
supporting a widespread struggle waged by the civic organizations in South
Korea before the "National Assembly
    In South Korea, more than 470 civic organizations formed the "Citizens'
Solidarity for General Election" to
wage a vigorous struggle before the "national assembly election" slated for
    The "Citizens' Solidarity for General Election" branded at least 110
anti-national and corrupt elements as
unqualified candidates and declared they would block their reelection.
    The pan-national campaign against those elements such as Kim Jong Pil,
former prime minister and present
"Honorary President" of the "United Liberal Democrats," and Pak Jun Gyu,
speaker of the "National Assembly," is
the first of its kind since 1948.
    The author cited concrete facts to prove that the conservative ruling
and opposition political parties and
politicians are groups of guys who always change their parties to seek
their personal luxury, glory and promotion.
    The article continued:
    The campaign to check nomination and defeat candidates should not be
targeted against a few specified political
brokers, but escalated.
    The present "election" system in South Korea provides for a
money-manipulated, power-influenced election and
the "election criteria" are very ambiguous and undemocratic. It was worked
out in such a way that it is not restricted
by the "voters."
    The civic organizations should neither yield to repression nor be taken
in by appeasement but deal a telling blow
to the conservative ruling and opposition parties which try to take the
coming election as an opportunity to lay a
foundation for the next "Presidential Election."
    Their struggle is very reasonable and just as it reflects the unanimous
determination of the people not to tolerate
the anti-social system but bring in new politics and new society.

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners urged

    Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities should
unconditionally repatriate all the
unconverted long-term prisoners who want to go back home to the northern
half of Korea where their families and
relatives are eagerly waiting for them as unanimously demanded at home and
    A spokesman for the Korean Measure Committee for the Rescue of
Unconverted Long-Term Prisoners in South
Korea said this in a statement issued yesterday in connection with the
issue of their repatriation which brooks no
    He recalled that most of the unconverted long-term prisoners including
Kim In So, Han Se Hwan and Kim
Yong Thae are in a critical condition due to diseases and mental and
physical sufferings resulting from the
persecution by the South Korean authorities even after scores of years of
their prison life.
    He said:
    Kim In So has been bedridden for years because of a serious sequel of
cerebral hemorrhage and Sin In Yong is
suffering serious pain from cancer.
    We have strongly demanded that all of them who are in a critical
condition due to diseases be sent back to the
northern half of Korea without delay, but the South Korean authorities have
made a far-fetched argument to refuse
their repatriation.
    It is the unanimous demand of all our fellow countrymen and human
conscience to settle the issue of their
repatriation at an early date.
    If the South Korean authorities continue to refuse their repatriation
in defiance of domestic and foreign
demands, they will be held wholly responsible for all the consequences of
possible untoward incident and
vehemently condemned by all the fellow countrymen and human conscience.


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