Roeck, Bob

Chaussée de Châtelineau, 31
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----- Original Message -----
To: <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 8:16 PM
Subject: Protest IMF April 16 - 17, D.C.

> Thousands will March in Washington April 16-17!
> Organizational Endorsements and Support Needed Now
> We need your support for the continuing struggle for economic justice.
> Endorse the Mobilization for Global Justice and join us in our protest
> against IMF and World Bank policies.
> Building on the Energy from Seattle
> The movement for global economic justice in the U.S., which has been
> building for years, had its coming-out party in Seattle at the World
> Trade
> Organization (WTO) ministerial meetings.  Our next big opportunity to
> demand
> a peaceful, people-centered, and environmentally-sound global economic
> system will be in April 2000 in Washington, DC.
> The nation's capital is the home of the International Monetary Fund
> (IMF)
> and World Bank Group, whose backing by the wealthy governments of the
> North
> has made them the rule-makers for the global economy. The IMF and World
> Bank, more than any other institutions, are the coercive powers which
> have
> forced the global economy into its present shape.  They were also
> instrumental in giving birth to the WTO. Their semi-annual meetings will
> be
> the occasion for a demonstration of our rejection of their rules and
> their
> system for imposing them.
> We are working with coalitions across the continent that are organizing
> to
> come to Washington, including groups in New York, San Francisco,
> Seattle,
> Winnipeg, Bloomington (Indiana), Chicago, and many other communities.
> In
> the United Kingdom and South Africa, whose Finance Ministers will chair
> the
> main IMF and World Bank committee meetings on April 16th and 17th
> respectively, our partners are organizing to give them a send-off.  We
> have
> also heard from activists in Haiti, Thailand, Mali, Brazil, South Korea,
> Canada, France, India, Pakistan, Kenya, and the Philippines who want to
> come
> or stage events of their own.
> On Sunday, April 16, the highest-level architects of the global economy,
> including World Bank Group President James Wolfensohn, the new head of
> the
> IMF, and about 25 Finance Ministers and heads of Central Banks, will
> come
> together for a meeting of the governing body of the IMF. Also likely to
> be
> in attendance is Mike Moore, head of the WTO; he and his predecessor
> have
> regularly attended this group's meetings, along with the heads of other
> powerful international institutions.  April's sessions are among the
> routine
> high-level meetings dedicated to making the world safer and more
> profitable
> for corporations -- and more dangerous for  people and the planet. The
> formal joint meetings of the World Bank Group and IMF continue through
> April
> 17.
> A Week-Long Mobilization for Global Justice
> Experienced activists from dozens of organizations are now meeting
> regularly
> in Washington and have formed the Mobilization for Global Justice
> coalition.
> These groups have planned a week of activities, starting with a Jubilee
> 2000/USA mobilization for debt cancellation on April 9.  Teach-ins,
> trainings, non-violent demonstrations, and lobbying opportunities will
> span
> the week between that event and those of April 16-17.
> Included in this burgeoning coalition are international solidarity
> activists, faith-based organizations, artists, women's organizations,
> labor
> groups, peace groups, environmental organizations, health rights
> activists,
> and many more. A dozen working groups (communications, logistics,
> outreach,
> etc.) are now meeting regularly and making concrete plans.
> The organizations working on the April mobilization locally, nationally,
> and
> internationally include Direct Action Network, the Freedom from Debt
> Coalition (Philippines), PAPDA (Haiti), the Kenya Human Rights
> Commission,
> the Metropolitan Washington Council of the AFL-CIO, Alliance for Global
> Justice, Global Exchange, Rainforest Action Network, and the 50 Years Is
> Enough Network. Many of them played leading roles in organizing the
> Seattle
> demonstrations.  We are also receiving financial support from the United
> Methodist Church Women's Division.
> We will be demonstrating that activists in the U.S. know about the
> impact of
> World Bank and IMF programs and stand in solidarity with the global
> South.
> We will be demanding an end to the devastation they cause in Africa,
> Asia,
> the Caribbean, and Latin America.  We will also be exposing the links
> between the IMF, the World Bank Group, the WTO, and multinational
> corporations and how they work to maximize private profits and limit the
> power of people in both the North and South to protect the environment,
> determine their economic destiny, and safeguard their human rights.
> Your Support Needed!
> Like the events at the WTO meeting in Seattle, the support, both moral
> and
> material, for the April actions in Washington must come from around the
> country and around the world.  We want to demonstrate the broad base of
> support for the call for global economic justice, so let us know that
> you
> are on board!
> - Tell us that you endorse a week of educational events and non-violent
> protests on and at the IMF and World Bank.
> - Tell us what human and material resources you can and will devote to
> making this week of actions a success.
> - Tell us how many people you are bringing to Washington for the week of
> activities.
> Of course, we also need your financial contributions to make it all
> possible.  Please donate what you can for success in April and for
> building
> the this tremendous movement for people's empowerment.  Please fill out
> the
> attached form indicating your endorsement and what kinds of commitments
> you
> can make to the success of the movement for a just global economy, one
> that
> serves people rather than profits.
> Sincerely-
> Signers: Representatives of the groups mentioned
> P.S.  To stay informed about plans for the April mobilizations, check
> out
> the website - - and join the e-mail listserv by sending a
> blank
> e-mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> [FORM]
> FAX:
> On the occasion of the first meetings of the governing bodies of the
> International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the 21st century, we
> call
> for the immediate suspension of the policies and practices that have
> caused
> widespread poverty and suffering among the world's peoples and damage to
> the
> world's environment. We assert the responsibility of these institutions,
> together with the World Trade Organization, for an unjust world economic
> system.
> We issue this call in the name of global justice, in solidarity with the
> peoples of the Global South struggling for survival and dignity in the
> face
> of unjust, imperialistic economic policies.  Only when the coercive
> powers
> of the international financial institutions are rescinded shall
> governments
> be accountable first and foremost to the will of their peoples for
> equitable
> economic development.  Only when international institutions are no
> longer
> controlled by the wealthiest governments for the purpose of dictating
> policy
> to the poorer ones shall all peoples and nations be able to forge bonds
> -
> economic and otherwise - based on mutual respect and the common needs of
> the
> planet and its inhabitants.  Only when the well-being of all, including
> the
> most vulnerable people and ecosystems, is given priority over corporate
> profits shall we achieve genuine sustainable development and create a
> world
> of justice, equality, and peace.
> ___ Our organization endorses this statement and a call for its
> expression
> at the time of the April 2000 meetings of the World Bank and
> International
> Monetary Fund (IMF).
> ___Our organization also endorses the Mobilization for Global Justice, a
> week of educational events and non-violent protests which aim to realize
> these principles. This is not an endorsement of any specific tactics or
> actions but rather of the peoples' mass mobilization to bring the World
> Bank
> and IMF to account.
> *************
> _____ We will be committing staff time to do the following (spread the
> word
> locally, organize a caravan to Washington, produce materials, conduct
> popular education on the global economy, etc.):
> ____ We will be bringing approximately _____ people to Washington.  They
> will be there for (check one) ____ the entire week of events; ____ part
> of
> the week: _____; ____April 16-17
> ____ We will contribute the following materials toward props for the
> demonstration or other support for the activities and people involved:
> ____ We will be bringing/hosting international partners and colleagues
> during the week of events.
>      __ Yes, they are available to speak to the public and/or media;
> __ No, they are not available to speak to the public and/or media.
> ____ We can pay for the following services (e.g. printing,
> communications
> equipment, etc.).  Please specify approximate amount and service:
> ____ We can make a financial contribution to the Mobilization for Global
> Justice coalition. Please make a tax-deductible contribution to our
> fiscal
> sponsor Alliance for Global Justice.
> ___ We are contributing $1000 or more or dedicating over 25% of total
> staff
> or member time to organizing for the April mobilizations, and would like
> our
> name to appear on promotional material, the website (, etc.
> as a
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To Post a message, send it to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:

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