Public presentation by Ministry of Public Security held

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- A public presentation by the Ministry
of Public Security on the greatness
of General Secretary Kim Jong Il was held in Pyongyang yesterday on the
occasion of his birthday.
    Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army Paek Hak rim, Minister of
Public Security, was present there.
    The speakers said that Kim Jong Il has led the Korean revolution and
world revolution to victory with his gifted
wisdom and indefatigable energetic leadership, thus performing immortal
exploits on behalf of the times, the
revolution, the country and people.
    He created the army-first political method of leading the cause of
socialism depending on the revolutionary army
and thus broke a new ground in the political history of the working class,
they said, adding that he has strengthened
and developed the public security organ to be a political guard of the
party which regards it as its life and soul to
devotedly safeguard the leader.
    It is a precious fruition of the outstanding leadership of Kim Jong Il
that the public security organ has developed
into the best ranks of loyalists and the public security officials are
admirably fulfilling their duties.

Foreign crewmen celebrate February holiday

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting of crewmen of foreign ships
was held at Nampho port on the
west coast of Korea Saturday on the occasion of the birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Present at the meeting were crewmen from the Chinese ship "Ming Yue,"
the U.S. ship "Maersk Arizona," the
Hondran flagged-ship "Prince 5" and the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
flagged-ship "Sona."
    Noting that all the successes achieved in Korea are entirely
attributable to the seasoned leadership of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, the speakers stressed that they are looking up to
him as a great man for all the people as he is
devoting himself to the happiness of the people and the prosperity of the
    Kim Jong Il has successfully applied the Juche idea fathered by the
President Kim Il Sung into the realities of
Korea, they noted, expressing the belief that Korea will surely emerge as a
powerful nation in the near future under
his wise leadership.
    A congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    Prior to the meeting, the participants laid a basket of flowers before
the statue of President Kim Il Sung in
Nampho city and paid homage to him.

Israel's military attack on Lebanon condemned

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry answered a question put
by KCNA today as regards Israel's recent escalated military attack on Lebanon.
    He said that Israel committed air strikes at civilian targets in
Lebanon on Feb. 8 and is intensifying its military
offensive against Hezbollah positions and even threatening to reduce the
whole land of Lebanon to ashes.
    He continued:
    Israel's ceaseless military attack is throwing a stumbling block in the
overall Middle East peace process as it is
wanton violation of the sovereignty of Lebanon.
    The Israeli authorities should stop their reckless military actions and
unconditionally withdraw their troops from
all the occupied Arab territories, including Golan Heights and southern
Lebanon, according to the international
resolutions concerned and on the "land-for-peace principle."
    The DPRK will positively support and encourage the Arab people's
struggle until the Middle East problem has
been fairly solved in conformity with their aspirations and demands to
bring lasting peace to the region.

S. Korean defoliant victims vow to struggle

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- 1,890 people have so far been reported
to the consultative council for
defoliant victims of South Korea since November last year that they were
suffering from the aftermath of defoliant
spread in the demilitarized zone, according to a radio report from Seoul.
    Among the victims are more than 100 people who were already dead and
some 50 deformed children of
defoliant victims.
    The victims decided to organize the association of victims of defoliant
spread along the truce line in Seoul on
Feb. 11 in order to launch a struggle for compensation.

Mass killings by GIs and S. Korean "MPs" disclosed

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The South Korean weekly magazine
Hangyore 21 on Jan. 20 carried an
article headlined "It was not time for us to be born as Koreans" disclosing
the monstrous atrocities committed by the
U.S. troops and the South Korean "military police" during the Korean War.
The magazine quoted witnesses as
saying that the South Korean "marine corps" killed 347 persons who had been
detained in a sweet potato store under
the control of the Mosulpho police station on Jeju Island on August 20, 1950.
    The largest mass killings were the case in which "members of the
People's Press Federation" were gunned
down across South Korea right after the start of the war, the magazine
noted, adding that the South Korean
authorities massacred them in the whole area south of Phyongthaek, judging
that they would join the people's army.

    It also disclosed that a police unit under the Raju police station in
South Jolla Province disguised as the people's
army killed civilians by ferreting out sympathizers for it and the U.S.
troops and "ROK army" perpetrated their mass
killings in revenge for their defeat in the area where they were stationed
in November 1950.

S. Korean women urged to participate in probing truth behind GIs' massacres

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Korean
Democratic Women's Union
yesterday sent a letter to the federation of women's organizations in South
Korea calling on the South Korean
women to take an active part in forming a "nationwide ad hoc committee for
probing the truth behind the GIs'
    The letter noted that the U.S. has neither admitted nor apologized for
the mass killings committed by them in
South Korea for many years and that women have been main targets of their
    It held that the women should join in a nationwide anti-U.S. struggle
as their dignity and rights have been
wantonly encroached upon and killed, insulted and disgraced by yankees.
    It expressed the belief that the federation of women's organizations in
South Korea would take an active part in
forming the "nationwide ad hoc committee for probing the truth behind the
GIs' massacres" to put an end to the
U.S. aggressor forces' mass killings and protect the dignity and rights of
the Korean nation in response to an appeal
of the political parties and organizations of the DPRK.

S. Korean students vow to struggle

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The Educational Measure Committee and
over 1,200 students of more
than 100 universities under the South Korean Federation of University
Student Councils (Hanchongryon) held a
meeting at Jongro park, Seoul, on Feb. 11 to vow to check the registration
fund hike and denounced the authorities
for trying to raise the registration fund, a Seoul-based radio reported.
    Its participants marched up to the "government" building in Sejongro
Street in a demonstration.
    They threatened to call a strike at different universities for three
days from march 23 unless the authorities meet
their demand.

Worsening antagonism between S. Korean coalition ruling parties

   Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- Antagonism and discord between the
"Democratic Party" and the "United
Liberal Democrats", the coalition ruling parties of South Korea came up to
the surface in dealing with the "election
law" at the "National Assembly" on Feb. 8, a Seoul-based radio reported.
    The "DP" tried to pass the "law" calling for a one-man-two-votes basis
at the "National Assembly" but the
"ULD" passed the "law" calling for a one-man-one-vote basis in league with
the opposition "grand national party".
    In this regard the "DP" held a meeting on Feb. 9 where it complained
that the "ULD" expressed its will not to
align itself with the "DP" when it torpedoed the introduction of a
one-man-two-votes basis in cahoots with the
"GNP". It then began a fundamental reexamination of the strategy for
"general elections."
    Meanwhile, the "ULD" confirmed the stand that it will set out an
independent "election" strategy and is planning
to organize a committee to examine nominated candidates and announce them
by itself, not coming out for joint
nomination of candidates with the "DP."

Japanese reactionaries' anti-DPRK smear campaign refuted

    Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries' attempt to
make the issue of "suspected
kidnapping" a fait accompli through such media as Sankei Shimbun is part of
the premeditated plot of the right-wing
reactionaries to renew an anti-DPRK campaign in Japan, says Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed commentary.
    Noting that "suspected kidnapping" is nothing but a sheer fiction
dreamed up by the South Korean Intelligence
Service in a secret room, the commentary continues:
    Sankei Shimbun has taken the lead in spreading misinformation provided
by the South Korean authorities on a
payment condition. Even in Japan the paper is known for representing the
views of the ultra right-wing reactionaries
and militarist forces of Japan.
    The smear campaign escalated by the Japanese reactionaries over the
"suspected kidnapping", whose true nature
has already been brought to light, through such reptile media as Sankei
Shimbun is intended to spoil the atmosphere
for improving the DPRK-Japan relations which has been created with so much
effort, bar Japan from properly
compensating for the past wrongdoings and put the brake on opening state
relations between the two countries.
    Another point at issue regarding the Japanese reactionaries' talk about
"suspected kidnapping" is the Japanese
authorities' attitude of conniving at the anti-DPRK campaign of the
reactionary media under the pretext of "freedom
of speech."
    If the Japanese authorities have a true will to improve the DPRK-Japan
relations, they should honestly approach
the talks with their own views.

Banquet to celebrate Kim Jong Il's birthday held

    Tokyo, February 11 (KNS-KCNA) -- A banquet to celebrate the 58th
birthday of the great leader General
Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea Kim Jong Il was held in Tokyo on
Feb. 3.
    Motofumi Makieda, chairman of the Japan Committee for Supporting the
Independent and Peaceful
Reunification of Korea, in his speech expressed reverence for Kim Jong Il,
who is conducting energetic activities,
and the Korean people who are expediting socialist construction firmly
united around him under the difficult
    Former prime minister of Japan Tomiichi Murayama said he would try to
solve the urgent problems between
Japan and the DPRK and establish diplomatic relations between the two

Preparatory committees formed abroad

   Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- An inaugural meeting of the preparatory
committee of the Communist
Party of Czechoslovakia for celebrating the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il was held in Prague on
Feb. 5.
    The general secretary of the central committee of the party was elected
chairman of the preparatory committee at
the inaugural meeting.
    At the meeting he said Kim Jong Il has devoted tireless efforts to
developing the international communist and
labour movements and the socialist cause, maintaining the steadfast
revolutionary principle.
    As long as Korea is led by Kim Jong Il the socialist cause will surely
be accomplished there, he said.
    The presidium of the Tajik communist party central committee adopted a
decision on forming a preparatory
committee for celebrating Kim Jong Il's 58th birthday on Feb. 1.
    According to the decision, the chairman of the party was elected
chairman of the preparatory committee.

Kim Jong Il's works published abroad

   Pyongyang, February 13 (KCNA) -- The celebrated work of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il "Let Us Reunify the
Country Independently and Peacefully Through the Great Unity of the Entire
Nation" was published in booklet by
the all India Indo-Korean Friendship Association on Feb. 6.
    The preface of the booklet wrote that the five-point policy of the
great national unity clarified in the work is an
immortal programme indicating the short cut for Korea's reunification.
    It noted that Korea will surely be reunified because Kim Jong Il,
guided by the idea of national reunification and
gifted leadership ability of the President Kim Il Sung, is leading the
whole nation's grand march for reunification.
    Meanwhile, his famous work "on establishing the Juche outlook on the
revolution" was released with due
ceremony in Kathmandu.


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