>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 25th February, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Shameful!
>2) Lead story - Outrage at rail safety U-turn.
>3) Feature article - Women workers cheated out of £250,000 in a lifetime.
>4) International story - Europe-wide demonstrations against Heidar.
>5) British news item - Reclaiming the struggle.
>1) Editorial
>THIS Sunday marks the centenary of the Labour Party (known as the Labour
>Representation Committee until 1906). But judging by the silence from
>Labour's headquarters at Millbank Tower, it must be a date the current
>party leaders want to forget.
> No doubt they don't want us to be reminded that it was the TUC which
>played the key role in founding the Labour Party and that, despite the
>presence of the usual clutch of class collaborators in Labour's hierarchy,
>the party was nonetheless created in order to represent the interests of
>working people in Parliament.
> Instead of a commemoration, this Sunday will be overshadowed by a storm of
>anger unleashed by the Blair camp's cynical and anti-democratic balloting
>arrangements for selecting Labour's London Mayoral candidate. As a result a
>majority of Londoners and London Labour Party members, who want the
>opportunity to vote for Ken Livingstone in the Mayoral election, have been
>outrageously cheated.
> Because the biased electoral college system gave a wildly disproportionate
>number of votes to London MPs and MEPs (1000 votes each as against just one
>each for individual Labour Party members), because some unions were
>disqualified from voting on a technicality, and because the South London
>Co-op and AEEU engineering union used their block votes without conducting
>any ballot of members, the result was a travesty.
> Livingstone, who had a clear majority of individual Labour Party and trade
>union members' votes, ended up being narrowly beaten by Frank Dobson --
>Blair's choice.
> The blatant carve-up was obvious to everyone. Opinion polls last week
>showed widespread support among Londoners for the idea of Livingstone
>standing as an independent candidate. At the same time the Labour
>leadership is being soundly condemned for its anti-democratic moves --
>moves which the media write off as mere control freakery.
> These measures used by the Labour leaders are far worse than that. They
>are clearly desperate to prevent Livingstone becoming Mayor. The cause of
>their desperation is not so much Livingstone's 1980s "Red Ken" image as his
>stated opposition to privatisation of the London Underground -- and while
>Livingstone is not the only would-be contender with this policy, he is the
>only one who could actually carry it through.
> Obviously there is big money at stake here and powerful voices in the City
>of London are eager for yet another public utility flotation on the market.
> What's more Blair knows that Livingstone would have popular support behind
>him as most Londoners are against Tube privatisation.
> It is also likely that the right wing hope the whole business will help to
>demoralise the left in the Labour Party and the trade union movement by
>giving the impression that the left will always be defeated by the right's
>willingness to keep moving the goalposts.
>  But this matter is in the hands of the left and the working class. We do
>not have to fulfil the dreams of the right wing. Rather we need to take the
>fight to Blair. Trade unionists who were not consulted by their executives
>will no doubt be having more than a thing or two to say to their leaders.
>Labour Party members too are showing their anger at the shabby way they
>have been treated.
>  We need to remember that Blair does not always get his way. We have seen
>in Wales that Blair's favourite for leader of the Welsh Assembly, Alun
>Michael, has been  quickly put out to grass -- a tale that should give
>Frank Dobson plenty of food for thought.
>  The 100th anniversary of the Labour Party has coincided with a shameful
>episode in Labour's history. But this could be Blair's bridge too far and
>become a turning  point in which the struggle for a democratic Labour Party
>gathers momentum. The Labour movement as a whole has to stand up and speak
>out. The Labour Party is not the  property of Blair -- it is the creation
>of the working class and it is there to serve the interests of our class!
>                               **************************
>2) Lead story
>Outrage at rail safety U-turn.
>by Daphne Liddle
>DEPUTY Prime Minister John Prescott faced a public outcry last week after
>backing down on his pledge, made in the wake of the Paddington rail
>disaster, to remove the responsibility for rail safety from Railtrack to an
>independent body.
> His announcement came at the end of a Government rail safety review which
>began last October after the crash that killed 31 people.
> The Department of Transport review recommended that Railtrack should be
>stripped of its responsibility for ensuring the rail operating companies
>are safe to operate.
> Prescott has accepted this and said he would also end "Railtrack's
>dominance" of the industry's safety agenda by removing its responsibility
>for setting and enforcing security standards, which will pass to the
>Department of Transport.
> But Prescott has decided to allow Railtrack to keep overall responsibility
>for setting safety standards and carrying out audits.
> And Railtrack's Safety and Standards Directorate will be set up as a Rai
>Itrack subsidiary company, Railway Safety Limited rather than removing it
>entirely from Railtrack control.
> Families of those killed in the Paddington crash are horrified. Solicitor
>Louise Christian, spea king on behalf of the bereaved families, said: "They
>are concerned there remains a conflict of interest in any company
>associated with Railtrack retaining a responsibility for safety. A
>subsidiary company will still be part of the profit structure and will be
>under the same pressure to put profits before safety."
> Prescott has also decided against requiring the rail companies to fit the
>expensive but failsafe Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system, which would
>prevent trains going through red lights, in favour of the cheaper Train
>Protection and Warning System.
> Louise Christian said: "The families feel the announcements are motivated
>by the desire to save costs. The only modern, computerised fail-safe train
>protection system is ATP."
> Prescott's decision coincides with the opening of the first inquests on
>the victims of that crash.
> Last Monday Mrs Birgit Andersen read out a tribute to her daughter
>Charlotte. In tears she spoke of the "crash that could have been prevented".
> Mrs Andersen added: "She lost her life due to lack of safety measures. Her
>sister, her father and I were robbed that morning at 8.11am.
> "We feel angry as well as worried and feel it is a matter of time before
>lives are lost in a similar accident if safety is not improved.
> "I plead that the dead of Ladbroke Grove should be honoured by ensuring
>that this does not happen again."
> The inquest also heard from fire station officer Richard Hodson of how it
>took fire crews ten minutes to prize open security gates to get heavy
>rescue equipment to the site of the crash.
> In the meantime firefighters had pitched ladders against the fence and
>another one 100 further on to give immediate help to the victims.
> Britain's railway chiefs were confronted with another safety issue by the
>Rail Maritime and Transport Union which last week voted in favour of strike
>action against proposed changes to the role of train guards -- changes
>which the union says will undermine safety.
> Train guards working for 16 of the 23 train operating companies are now
>ready to strike against the downgrading of their role to "glorified tea boys".
> The union has not yet fixed strike dates as it hopes to persuade the train
>companies to withdraw the proposals before the end of the month.
> RMT spokesperson Vernon Hince declared: "They cannot claim that
>commercialism and safety are one and the same thing."
> There are well founded fears that the train companies intend to save money
>first by downgrading the train guards and then doing away with them
> If RMT talks with the company managements fail, the union is expected to
>stage a series of one or two-day strikes that will affect the entire rail
>network in Britain.
> Train drivers employed by the Connex rail company who staged a very
>successful one-day strike earlier this month in a long running dispute
>overworking hours, are planning to strike again after the company reneged
>on the promises it gave to get the drivers to drop the strikes.
> The train drivers' union Aslef is planning another campaign of disruption
>and work to rule beginning on Tuesday 29 February if Connex, which operates
>services between London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, does not keep its promises.
> One of their pledges was to send Connex managers on industrial relations
>training but so far they have made no effort to improve.
> The union also complained that drivers have been harassed and managers
>have failed to organise joint meetings, as agreed.
> The union has provisionally set other strike dates for 8, 16, 24 and 27
>March and 4 April.
> Aslef general secretary Mick Rix said: "We hope that this issue can be
>resolved before 29 February but at the end of the day, Connex has to make a
>serious effort to improve industrial relations."
>                                   *********************
>3) Feature article
>Women workers cheated out of £250,000 in a lifetime.
>by Caroline Colebrook
>A TYPICAL woman worker will be paid around £250,000 less than a man during
>her working lifetime simply because she is a woman, according to Government
>research published last week.
> The Cabinet Office report shows that women are still being paid around 20
>per cent less than men on average in spite of nearly three decades of equal
>pay legislation.
> The research looked at women in three categories: low-skill with no
>qualifications, mid-skilled with GCSEs and in a clerical job and
>high-skilled graduate professionals.
> They compared their lifetime expected earnings with a man with the same
>qualifications and number of children.
> The research showed that even women who did not have children and took no
>career break, were paid many thousands of pounds less than men with no
>children during their working lives.
> Those who did take a break to look after growing children paid a real
>penalty -- with those who had children earlier in their career suffering a
>greater pay loss.
> Low-skilled women tended to lose most. A low skilled woman who had no
>children would be paid £197,000 less in a lifetime than a man in similar
>circumstances. She would lose a total of £482,000 if she did take a break
>to have children.
> A middle-skilled woman with no children would lose £241,000 simply for
>being a woman. If she took a break to have children that figure would climb
>to £381,000.
> A high-skilled woman would lose £143,000 if she had no children but that
>would rise to £162,000 if she did.
> The research was carried out by the London School of Economics, the
>Institute of Education and Birkbeck College for the Women's Unit.
> Government Ministers for Women Baroness Jay and Tessa Jewell admitted that
>women workers are still hit by a "female forfeit" and said the report
>exploded the myth that women's incomes are lower than men's only because
>they take time off to care for children.
> The TUC and women's groups responded to the report by calling for measures
>to increase pay in female-dominated employment sectors and particularly in
>part-time work.
> They are also calling for improved childcare so that the burden of looking
>after young children does not fall so unfairly only on women.
>And they are calling for legislation to ensure than women who do take a
>career break to look after children can return to work at an equivalent
>level rather than taking a lower paid job.
> Julie Mellor, speaking for the equal opportunities commission called on
>the Government to show leadership by tackling the pay gap in the public
> She said: "The Government should insist that taxpayers' money is not spent
>paying suppliers who do not pay women equal wages.
> "Twenty five years after the Sex Discrimination Act was introduced, women
>are still sacked because they are pregnant paid less for equal work and
>earn less over a lifetime than men, even if they never have children."
> And equal opportunities commissioner Jenny Watson called on the Government
>to reform employment tribunals so their findings become applicable to whole
>employment sectors rather than simply individual workers.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>Europe-wide demonstrations against Heidar.
>by Steve Lawton
>VIENNA's Heldenplatz (Hero's Square) was packed with what Democratic
>Offensive organisers said were some 300,000 protesters outside the Hofburg
>Palace last Saturday, despite cold and rain, to oppose the inclusion of the
>fascist Jurg Haider-led Freedom Party (FPO) in the Austrian coalition
>government. They called for the resignation ofthe conservative People's
>Party leader Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel and his government.
> Schussel saw his salvation in a deal with Heidar after elections last
>October in which the FPO gained 27 per cent of the vote. The coalition,
>which broke 30 years of Social Democratic government and took office on 4
>February, holds 104 seats in the 183-member Parliament.
> Among many addressing the rally which brought together opposition parties,
>human rights groups, trade unionists, artists and pensioners, was Jewish
>community leader Ariel Muzicant who attacked Heidar's violent speech and
>his followers who he said are "believers in Nazi ideologies". He said: "It
>is a scandal that racism and anti-Semitism have once again become harmless
>crimes. It is a scandal that these crimes have been legitimised by the
>People's Party."
> The Austrian government can hardly move without encountering what is fast
>running into a continuous and expanding movement of opposition by the day.
>On the numbers for last weekend's action, it has matched the huge rally
>against Haider seven years ago.
> In a statement, Democratic Offensive said: "Racism made the Freedom Party
>big and is now being rewarded with Cabinet seats "that must not be
>allowed." Max Koch, one of the organisers, described the event as a
>"peaceful uprising of civil society".
> The European Union (EU), US and other nations such as Israel have
>registered a range of actions from disapproval to outright condemnation of
>Austria's government. The US briefly withdrew its ambassador but has so far
>taken no other action. EU diplomatic sanctions action, and tougher measures
>to follow if there is no change, will hit the hardest.
> These actions, far from playing into Heidar's hands on the grounds of
>damaging Austria's sovereign interests, have emboldened Austrian opposition
>while Chancellor Schussel reaps most of the whirlwind. Both German and
>French leaders -- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and President Jacques Chirac
>-- have promised resolute action.
> The strength of feeling is becoming increasingly evident far beyond
>Austria's borders, as the Hitlerite alarm bells rang out very quickly
>across Europe.
> Last Sunday around 10,000 protesters from Belgium's French and
>Flemish-speaking regions gathered near the Austrian embassy in Brussels
>with slogans declaring that democratic Europe will not tolerate fascism. In
>the Wallon region of Belgium some schools cancelled ski holidays in Austria
>as a protest. About 1,000 people demonstrated in Liege.
> The Belgian government has taken a strong line on Haider who was publicly
>snubbed at an EU ministers social affairs meeting. He was then forced to
>cancel his attendance at a regional EU meeting due to take place in
>Brussels. Belgian foreign minister Louis Michel had earlier said the
>Freedom Party's inclusion in the Austrian government set a "serious
>precedent" of normalising the extreme right in Europe.
> In Paris last Saturday there were around 9,000 on the streets; 3,000 in
>Grenoble and over a thousand in both Lyons and Strasbourg and other actions
>took place in Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux, Perigueux, Poitiers, Toulouse and
> Any idea that Heidar's past words -- that Nazi concentration camps were
>"punishment camps", praising Hitler's labour policies and FPO posters
>praising anti-immigration -- is clearly more than words on his part.
>Heidar's withdrawn libel dispute with the Sunday Telegraph over whether or
>not he said Churchill was one of the worst war criminals, led it to examine
>his recent past.
> It reminded us of the time in 1995 that Heidar was filmed speaking to a
>predominantly Waffen SS gathering of die hard Nazis in a back room of a pub
>in the Carinthian town of Krumpendorf. He is heard to say: "I find it good
>that there are still decent people in this world with character who stick
>to their beliefs and their convictions -- even if the wind blows against
> Heidar had to be rescued by from a local restaurant by police after the
>Vienna rally as a group of protesters, who had spotted him, began to attack
>the building.
> Earlier, on a private visit to Canada, Heidar was prevented from entering
>the Montreal Holecaust Centre. Moshe Ronen, president of the Canadian
>Jewish Congress, questioned Heidar's motives.
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>Reclaiming the struggle.
>by Rene Sams
>"ONE year on since the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry this is a crucial time",
>said Suresh Grover, chairperson of the National Civil Rights Movement. His
>words opened last Saturday's one day conference at London's Conway Hall.
>"We need", he said, "to look back and see what was won and what has
>happened in that year".
> "The Lawrence Inquiry", he said, "had reached an unprecedented verdict
>which for the frrst time admitted that the killers were motivated by race
>and for the first time in this century had forced the Secretary of State to
>institute a judicial inquiry.
> "It has given us the ability to scrutinise the motives of the police
>force", and Suresh was happy that, "the Metropolitan Police Force have
>promised they will be more transparent.
> "But", he told the conference, "over the past year there has been an
>unprecedented rise of 89 percent in racist incidents and many more deaths
>in custody".
> He was obviously disappointed to report to conference that although the
>Met Police promised a paradise of swift action sadly "that has not come
>about". The Inquiry made some 70 recommendations none of which has so far
>been implemented.
> There is no doubt that the courage and dedication of Neville and Doreen
>Lawrence in pursuing the police for all those years to get justice for
>their son has had a tremendous effect.
> It has brought about a change of climate which has allowed the other
>families to come forward and campaign for basic civil rights for their
>loved ones.
> Speakers from 14 of the family campaigns now fighting to get some justice,
>or at least an explanation of how their loved ones came to die, made very
>moving speeches telling ofthe attitude of the police to them and their
>families and witnesses of the incidents which come from all over Britain.
>Sukhdev Reel, mother of Ricky whose body was found in the Thames in 1997
>said, "police tried everything in their power to convince the family that
>they had done all that was possible to solve the mystery of Ricky's death"
>His death is still a mystery.
> Kwesi Menson, brother of Michael who was burned to death in 1997, spoke of
>police disrespect of black people and their systematic efforts to minimise
>the circumstances of his brother's agonising death after 13 days suffering
>in hospital without even being interviewed by police.
> His sister Essie said she was sure that the police and judicial system had
>been trying to con us that the Lawrence case was just a one-off. But
>judging by the number of cases present on the platform that is obviously
>not the situation.
> It is not only black and Asian people who have to fight for civil rights.
>Another incident concerns five Chinese waiters who were attacked by five
>white racists who smashed up the restaurant and racially abused and
>threatened the staff.
> When waiters called the police they were shocked to find themselves being
>arrested. Because they were Chinese the police seemed to have immediately
>assumed that it was just a Triad gang who caused the incident and an
>internal Chinese affair. Sheila Coleman from the Hillsborough Justice
>Campaign told the audience of how they are still fighting against the
>police cover-up of the horrific disaster at the football ground when 96
>people died.
> The Bishop of Croydon, Dr Wilfred Woods, President of the Institute of
>Race Relations, recalled the early days of black immigrants in the 50s in
>Notting Hill where a policeman only had to say a man kicked him in the
>shins and he was arrested.
> "There is a different situation today, he said. "We don't have to
>vindicate our blackness". "But", he stressed, "the importance of supporting
>the families in struggle is because "it concerns us all".
> Director of the Race Relations Institute, Dr Sivanandan, also reminded
>conference of the history of black people, who had worked in transport, and
>helped to provide much needed services but who still must fight to get
>their basic dues.
> "Despite the new Freedom of Information Act", he said, "the police are
>still free to withhold information to those who need it".
> He was scathing about the multitude of committees, joint committees,
>liaison committees and forums created by the state which have proved
>ineffective and just public relations exercises. And he warned that "state
>racism contaminates civil society".
> A warning to the ethnic minority communities came from Sir Herman Ouseley,
>former Chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, who gave an appraisal
>of the situation today for the younger generation of black and Asian
>people, many of whom now have good jobs.
> He explained the problems facing those working in institutions. They will
>face pressure to conform with the culture of those institutions. He
>stressed thatthere must be no compromise on principles.
> Lee Bridges, Professor of Law at Warwick University, said the Lawrence
>Inquiry Report had let the genie out of the bottle -- now they are trying
>to get it back in again.
> "Every institution has to have policies", he said. "But it is in the
>implementation of those policies that racism shows". He cited the stop and
>search policy much favoured by the police.
> "It is claimed", he continued, "that this is necessary for the detection
>ofcrime, but individual police officers have a wide and selective
>discretion in who actually gets stopped. There is evidence to show that
>their powers are abused and not effectively monitored".
> Michael Mansfield QC, President of the National Civil Rights Movement,
>spoke of the 70 recommendations in the Report. He told the conference that
>the authorities have had the arrogance to say they are beginning with 40
>per cent of these. They did not say which 40 per cent!
> "All we do know", Mansfield said, "is that in reality the changes are nil.
>There are plenty of laws in Britain, but the problem is not so much the law
>but the implementation of the law that has to be changed.
> He stressed that the movement has made real achievements over the last
>year. "They are", he said, "significant and tangible - and we must
>recognise what we have achieved.
> "Before the Lawrence campaign started people had to struggle alone, now
>that has changed and there are now not just one or two groups but a whole
>network of groups. There is collective support for those fighting for their
>rights. Families are no longer isolated.
> "The authorities now know that they are not dealing with one family. There
>is a solidarity which they have not had before in this country -- the power
>of the families has at last come home to roost".
> The enormous change between the pre-Lawrence and post-Lawrence situation
>was noted by solicitor Imran Khan. He said it was most important that we
>recognise and acknowledge that change has taken place. But he warned that
>there has been no recognition or acceptance of institutional racism by the
> "Transparency and accountability are the current buzz words" Imran Khan
>said, and "we have to make sure that this becomes real".
> Conference concluded with Doreen Lawrence making an appeal for the unity
>of the movement. "We must stand together and not ourselves to be divided",
>she said. "Together we can make a change".
>                               *********************
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