>(Please Forward Widely)
>Global Exchange, a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to raising
>awareness and people to people ties around the world, is sponsoring an
>awareness campaign to help build support and knowledge around the Leonard
>Peltier case during this critical time in the fight for his release.  Jean
>Day, a spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and long life
>advocate for Native rights, is currently available to visit your community,
>school, church, or union to speak about the Peltier case and the realities
>on Pine Ridge during the era from which Leonard’s case stems. She will speak
>about the repressive conditions the Native people of the Pine Ridge
>Reservation endured during the “Reign of Terror” and of the wrongful
>incarceration of Leonard Peltier.  She will also discuss the facts
>surrounding the case, long withheld from the public, which support Leonard’s
>Jean Day has a personal connection to the case of Leonard Peltier.  She was
>an active member of the American Indian Movement during the “Reign of
> Terror” and saw many of her friends and family killed, disappeared,
>threatened and harassed during what some consider to be the largest headhunt
>of political leaders and most serious case of repression against Native
>Americans in modern decades.  Though silenced in the past due to fear of the
>FBI following through with its threats to her and her family, Jean is now
>prepared to speak out and share the truth about the mistreatment she and
>many others have had to live with for so long.  She is an advocate for the
>immediate release of Leonard Peltier and can provide a current analysis of
>the case.  As a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation, Jean now works as a Guardian
>at Litum for Native American children.  She also has experience working in
>legislative planning and with youth in correctional facilities as a
>counselor.  She is a certified Lay Advocate and has jurisdiction in Tribal
>Courts.  Jean holds a BS in Sociology and an MS in Human Development and
>Community Resources from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
>PROGRAM: We envision a typical program to be a talk by Jean followed by a
>question and answer session.  Some groups may wish to host a reception
>before or after the event.  Other engagements such as local radio shows,
>media interviews, fundraising events for the LPDC, and small group
>discussions are also a welcome addition prior to a larger program.  If
>desired, we can also provide short video clips to help with case background.
>It may also help to show a video on the case to generate interest and
>support some time before the speaking engagement.  Contact the LPDC to find
>out how to get “Incident at Oglala” by Robert Redford if interested.
>*Provide suitable venue arrangements (location and equipment for the event).
>*Provide hospitality for our speaker, including food, lodging (home stay is
>*Provide transportation to and from the airport and other events.
>*Publicize events to your local media and within your community.  Global
>Exchange can assist with this.
>*Travel arrangements and expenses
>*Providing literature and related materials on the case
>*Partial responsibility for publicity
>To book an event please call Global Exchange; contact Shannon Wolfe in the
>Speakers Bureau via phone at extension 352 or email:
>FUNDING: We are requesting a $1000 honorarium for college campus speaking
>engagements. (If such funds are not available, this amount can be negotiated
>depending on travel cost).  We understand that some groups can provide more
>support than others can.  It is our experience that seeking co-sponsorship
>amongst other departments and organizations helps to share cost and host
>responsibilities as well as generates a larger audience for the event.
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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