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>=========Iraq Action Coalition ========http://iraqaction.org/ =======

>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 15:02:51 +0000 (GMT)
>From: Mariam Appeal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: *****IRAQI SANCTIONS MONITOR (17)*****
>AP reports 25/2/00 that the White House is ělooking for ways to ease
>restrictions that block Iraq from importing machinery, oil industry spare
>parts, pesticides and other industrial products, according to a published
>Due to ěgrowing international and domestic pressureî, the administration has
>ědiscretely been reviewing its screening of imports under the sanctions,î as
>reported by the the Washington Post today, quoting unidentified U.S. and
>Western officials.
>AP says that ěwhile maintaining a hard line against Saddam Hussein, the
>administration has been trying to accommodate U.N. Security Council allies who
>want to ease restrictions.î
>ěU.S. officials agreed this week to release a $80 million electrical repair
>contract on condition that U.N. workers verify that the parts are used as
>intendedî says the WP.
>The United States has frequently exercised its right as a member of the
>Security Council to block Iraq from acquiring ``dual use'' items such as
>pesticide sprayers, which can be [arguably; ISM ed] used for biological
>warfare as well as for helping farmers to grow food. The WP addss that the
>Washington veto on the sanctions committee has held up $601 million in
>contracts for repairing Iraq's power grid, and $297 million in spare parts
>intended for Iraq's oil industry, according to U.N. data.
>Britain, France and other U.S. allies are concerned restrictions on such
>technology are undermining efforts to ease humanitarian suffering in Iraq.
>Earlier this month several [in fact 70; ISM ed] congressmen asked President
>Clinton to ease the sanctions on Iraq, insisting children were suffering
>needlessly and Hussein's regime was benefiting from the measures.
>The Irish Times reports 24/2/00 that the director of UNICEF Ireland, Ms
>Maura Quinn, said after a 12-day visit to Iraq that Iraq has been
>devastated by the UN sanctions.
>Ms Quinn said her UNICEF colleagues in Iraq found it hard to deal with the
>situation, particularly because of the attitude of ordinary people.
>"It's awful that people don't feel as if it's ever going to change.  They
>feel that the sanctions are going to go on and on.  Instead of having
>three hours' electricity in Baghdad they will have one hour in a couple of
>years' time. That they'll have dirty water. They will have problems with
>sanitation," Ms Quinn said.
>Ms Quinn said the monthly food rations the Iraqis are dependent on from
>the UN last only two to three weeks and do not contain any protein,
>according to Ms Quinn.
>A UNICEF report which came out last August showed that 25 per cent of
>children under five years in Iraq are malnourished and over 4,500 die
>every month as a result (actually over 8,000 according to latest
>statistics. See ISM 16, ed). Ms Quinn says she expects this year's UNICEF
>report to show an even higher rate of death among children.
>Ms Quinn described hospitals as under-equipped with medicines and
>facilities and overcrowded, with up to three people sharing some beds and
>people lying on floors in corridors. The sanitation and water systems were
>also showing strain. The pillars supporting the main sewerage plant in
>Baghdad were crumbling and there were pools of stagnant water on the
>litter strewn streets.
>She said she visited schools where there was "no running water, no
>windows, no benches, holes in the roof, no clean water, no toilets, no
>books, the playground under rubbish with stagnant water".
>Long-term malnourishment, Ms Quinn said, was having an effect on
>children's development.  "You could see it in the kids that were small for
>their age, in their reactions." All of the UNICEF staff Ms Quinn spoke to
>in Iraq wanted the sanctions lifted.
>Arabicnews.com surveys 24/2/00 the grim hospital wards of embargoed Iraq.
>It mentions that ěthe cancer service of the Baghdad-based Saddam hospitalî
>has taken the name of "the death ward," ěin view of the high number of
>death cases.î
>Dr. Bassem Attallah Abdali told MAP's special envoy, "Every day we
>diagnose two cancer cases and the death rate of children with leukemia
>stands at 100%."
>Figures disclosed Wednesday by the Iraqi health department show that ěmore
>than 12,000 children and elderly have died since last January due to the
>sanctionsî, of which the major causes were ědiarrhoea, pneumonia,
>breathing infections, malnutrition, hypertension, heart diseases and
>ěThe figure brings to 1.27 million the death toll among children and
>elderly since 1990î, the article reports the department saying.
>The Saddam hospital, ěwhich was built in 1986 to accommodate 360 patients,
>now receives 1,000 daily,î Dr. Bassem is reported as saying.
>"The medicines available are insufficient to treat the patients, while the
>vaccines are inefficient or are just outdated, because of the long
>distance they cross between Jordan and Iraq before reaching the
>hospitals," the physician adds.
>ěSome diseases that have been eradicated before the Gulf War, like the
>whooping cough and polio, appeared again in Iraq. Other diseases,
>including cholera, malaria and cancer are becoming more and more
>commonplace due to the use of chemical weapons against Iraq, physicians
>ěThe doctors, who are in a state of deep despair, argue that several
>diseases could have been easily cured, had the embargo been liftedî, the
>report concludes.
>In a Jerusalem Post editorial 25/2/00, it is noted that ěthe four major
>candidates in the race - Al Gore, George W. Bush, Bill Bradley, and John
>McCain - can all be considered "pro-Israel." They have ěunquestionable
>voting records or statements in favor of Jerusalem being the eternal and
>undivided capital of Israel, and all pledge a strong commitment to help
>maintain Israel's security against all enemies.î
>ěAccording to Washington Post analyst Jim Hoagland, the real Clinton
>policy is to keep Iraq out of sight and out of mind during an election
>year, even if that means allowing Saddam to develop nuclear weapons.î
>ěEveryone agrees,î the editorial continues, ěthat the prospect of rogue
>regimes with nuclear weapons and long-range missiles is among the greatest
>threats of the post cold war era. The primary ways of confronting this
>threat are: economic isolation, support for democratic opponents where
>they exist, and reducing the value of weapons development programs by
>building effective missile defenses.î The JP says ěforeign policy has not
>figured prominently in the campaign debatesî and so ěis difficult to tell
>how much difference there really is among the candidates.î
>George W. Bush would only "work to reestablish weapons inspections in
>Of the four candidates John McCain is ěthe only one not to mince words.î
>"[T]he proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the clearest danger
>we currently confront," says McCain. "Nowhere is the threat more worrisome
>than in rogue states such as Iraq, North Korea, and others. The United
>States should formulate a policy, in many ways similar to the Reagan
>Doctrine, of supporting indigenous and outside forces that desire to
>overthrow the odious regimes that rule these states. Call it 'rogue state
>rollback' if you will. Such a policy serves both our security and our
>ideals because, again, they are inseparable from one another."
>The editorial adds that ěboth Bush and McCain favor deploying strategic
>defenses as soon as possible, if necessary by withdrawing from the ABM
>treaty. But McCain argues for it with a greater sense of urgency and
>ěWith all four presidential candidates clearly in the "pro-Israel" and
>internationalist camp, it is too soon to pick favorites. So far, however,
>McCain is setting the standard for serious discussion of how to confront
>the most deadly threats facing both the United States and Israel.î
>With all this talk of ěrogue statesî and nuclear weapons let it not be
>forgotten that Israeli Foreign Minister threatened yesterday to trade ěa
>child for a childî if guerrillas rocket northern Israel. Earlier this
>month Levy threatened that ěthe soil of Lebanon will burnî if Hizbullah
>attacked Israel, and this was said in the same week that members of the
>Knesset stated that Israel possesses 200-300 nuclear weapons And yet it is
>Israel not the Lebanese resistance which has been violating the 1996 April
>Accords, by attacking non-military targets, as attested by UNIFIL
>commandeer Timur Goksel. It has been ěspunî out of the media that Israel
>is in continual violation of UN resolutions, and that it forbids
>international inspections of Dimona. Yet who are the ěrogue statesî? Who
>are the threats to security in the Middle East?
>Despite a generally disappointing lack of activism against sanctions by
>the NGO itself and its partner-in-silence HRW, AI (USA) has a petition to
>the UNSC (on its website) addressing the humanitarian situation in Iraq.
> http://www.amnestyusa.org/countries/iraq/
>Non-Americans might wish to contact their own branches to check/lobby for
>similar petitions.
>Iraqi Sanctions Monitor
>Mariam Appeal
>t: +44 (0)207 872 5451
>f: +44 (0)207 753 2731
>w: www.mariamappeal.com


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