----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 8:18 AM
Subject: Russia 'Deeply Concerned' Over U.S., Japan Missile Defense Plan



"The appearance of such a system could call into
question regional stability and provoke an arms race."
Kremlin Deeply Concerned Over U.S., Japan Missile
Defense Plan

MOSCOW, Feb 25, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The
Russian foreign ministry expressed its "deep concerns"
Thursday over the United States' plan to develop with
Japan an anti-missile defensive umbrella in Asia.

"The United States is constantly trying to enlarge its
military union with Japan through a joint project to
create an anti-missile theatre defense," the ministry
statement said, adding that the project "raised deep

The United States plans to protect Japan and South
Korea from missile attack by deploying weapons capable
of intercepting incoming warheads.

"The appearance of such a system could call into
question regional stability and provoke an arms race,"
the Russian ministry said, complaining that only a
limited number of countries were involved in the

For its part, Russia favors a global system to prevent
missile proliferation, the ministry said.

Under the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty the
United States and the then Soviet Union agreed to
limit the capabilities of anti-missile systems.

Russia opposes any modification to this treaty to
allow the United States to deploy an anti-missile
defense to combat the threat from countries newly
armed with ballistic missiles. ((c) 2000 Agence France

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