----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 1:57 AM
Subject: US/UK Hit On Echelon Spying


Daily Telegraph (UK)
ISSUE 1724Sunday 13 February 2000
Britain's spy posts accused of listening in on business
By Philip Sherwell in London and David Wastell in Washington
BRITAIN and the US are facing unprecedented legal and political
challenges from their European allies over a secret Anglophone spy
Within earshot: Menwith Hill in Yorkshire is the Americans' most
important international listening post 
Newly declassified American documents last week provided the first
official confirmation that the global electronic eavesdropping operation
exists. The Echelon surveillance system - run by five English-speaking
nations but dominated by the US - is reportedly capable of monitoring
telephone, fax and email communications relayed by satellite anywhere in
the world.
The network is a legacy of the Cold War intelligence showdown with the
communist bloc. But there are allegations in west European nations that
Echelon is being abused by US espionage chiefs to spy on individuals and
to pass on commercial secrets to American businesses.
Britain's role has come under fierce fire as it is the only European
member of the UK/USA alliance that operates the system. Canada,
Australia and New Zealand subsequently joined the grouping that London
formed with America in 1947 to pool security information. The sprawling
Menwith Hill listening station in North Yorkshire is the most important
international site for America's National Security Agency (NSA), the
lead player in Echelon.
A new report into Echelon's electronic surveillance commissioned by the
European Parliament will fuel the row when MEPs debate its findings next
week. The document lists high-profile cases in which American companies
allegedly won contracts heading for European firms after NSA intercepted
conversations. The Airbus consortium and Thomson CSF of France were
among the reported losers.
In Asia, the US used information gathered from its bases in Australia to
win a half share of a significant Indonesian trade contract for AT&T
that communication intercepts showed was initially going to NRC of
Japan, according to a former NSA agent, Wayne Madsen, on Australian
television last year. A lawsuit against the US and Britain is being
launched in France, judicial and parliamentary investigations have begun
in Italy, and German parliamentarians have demanded an inquiry.
In the US, a Congressional investigation into the Echelon system starts
this year amid concerns over possible privacy violations. A spokesman
for the government reform committee said: "American people not only have
the right to privacy, they have the right to know about it if their
privacy is infringed." The committee will be able to issue subpoenas to
federal officials and employees of NSA to compel them to give evidence.
Although a 1996 book by a New Zealand whistleblower and an earlier 1997
report to the European Parliament disclosed the existence of Echelon,
there had been no official confirmation in Britain or America until
declassified US defence department papers were posted on the Internet
last week. 
The first reference to the "highly controversial programme . . .
codenamed Echelon" came in a 1991 document relating to military Sigint
(signals intelligence) units at Sugar Grove in West Virginia. Despite
the release, NSA continued to refuse to confirm or deny Echelon's
The Home Office did not respond to inquiries about Echelon last week.
Senior British intelligence officials have, however, denied that there
is a "word spotting" search system that allows calls of intelligence
interest to be selected by the use of key words or names.
The report, to be presented to the European Parliament's civil liberties
committee on February 22, agrees that "word spotting" does not exist.
Instead, the millions of satellite communications monitored each day are
reportedly sifted by so-called "dictionary" computers that check
messages against a database of targets such as names, topics, addresses
and telephone numbers.
If there is a match, the intercepts are relayed to security agents for
analysis. The biggest data-collection centre is at NSA headquarters in
Fort Meade, Virginia, while Britain's largest centre is GCHQ in
The investigations will throw embarrassing light on the clandestine
Anglophone listening operation. The biggest challenge seems likely in
France, where strict privacy laws mean that it is necessary to prove
only that an attempt to breach the privacy of an individual has been
made, not that the intrusion was harmful.
A leading Parisian law firm said said last week that it would file the
French equivalent of a class action suit to sue the US and Britain,
representing individuals and firms that claim they have lost contracts
because of "theft of information". David Natas, a lawyer specialising in
computer crime, said: "The French are extremely angry. They should tear
down the listening stations in Cornwall."
In Italy, parliament's secret services committee has opened an inquiry,
as have magistrates in Rome. Carlo Sarzana, an assistant chief
preliminary judge, said of NSA's intercepts: "The scope is not
But there are plenty in Washington who believe that NSA is simply doing
its duty, and say that European secret services pursue the same policy.
One congressional insider said: "The French are like whining babies.
They always seem to find a reason for any of their failures."
Additional reporting by Harry de Quetteville in Paris and Bruce Johnston
in Rome

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