>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 19:14:24 -0800
>From: Nasim_Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>This is an emergency!
>Please quickly email Elinor Caplan if you can (see sample message at the
>Immigration is trying to deport Leticia Cables today!
>Leticia has been ordered to appear before immigration officials in Edmonton
>this morning -- February 14th, 9:30am (Edmonton time) -- to be
>fingerprinted, photographed, processed, etc. so that Immigration Canada can
>prepare her airplane ticket to send her back to the Philippines.
>Last week, the Federal Court refused to grant Leticia "leave" to appeal her
>deportation order. She had been ordered to leave Canada last July. Leticia
>sought sanctuary in an Catholic church in Edmonton. A number of individuals
>and groups in Edmonton and across the country pressed for the deportation
>order to be quashed. In late October, Immigration Minister Elinor Caplan
>announced she would not enforce the deportation order until the courts
>decided whether or not it would review the deportation order against Leticia.
>Now that the Federal Court has refused to hear Leticia's plea to be allowed
>to set aside the deportation order, Leticia's only chance left to stay in
>Canada is for the Immigration minister to grant her a "Ministerial Permit"
>setting aside the deportation order.
>This is Leticia's story. She came to Canada in 1995 under the Live-in
>Caregivers' Program (LCP). Her sister, Charito Capicio, sponsored her as
>her "employer." Unfortunately, Charito's hours at work were cut down, and
>Leticia had to find other work to supplement her income.
>That is her "crime!" Leticia was ordered deported because she took on extra
>work: housecleaning and babysitting.
>Women who come to Canada under the LCP are only allowed to work for one
>employer at a time and are required to get the Immigration Department's
>approval any time they want to or have to find a new employer. This is only
>one of the problems with the LCP. In its entirety, the LCP is a mechanism
>to exploit women from countries in the South.
>Fax/email Elinor Caplan calling on her to issue a Ministerial Permit and
>set aside Leticia Cables' deporation order. Elinor has the power to do so!
>Tell her, she has the responsibility to do so. (Leticia's File # is
>4712-31783535.)  The fax numbers and email addresses are posted there.
>Apparently, someone in the Immigration Minister's office has said that
>Elinor Caplan will not grant Leticia a Ministerial Permit because she
>doesn't want to set a precedent; Caplan knows of 11 other women in Canada
>under the LCP in the same situation. According to the person at
>Immigration, setting a precedent would "jeopardize the whole Live-In
>Caregivers' Program."
>This is crap, Elinor! Don't let the Canadian government continue to get
>away with exploiting women, exploiting women from the South.
>Even if you can't send a letter in today; send it asap. At this time, I do
>not know what Leticia's plans are (that is, if she will appear before
>Immigration or if she will remain in sanctuary).
>In solidarity,
>Agnes Huang
>DARE: Direct action Against Refugee Exploitation
>PS: If you are in Vancouver and want more information on Leticia's
>situation, contact the Philippine Women Centre at (604) 215-1103 or
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Or contact Virginia Cawagas in Edmonton at (780) 492-4916 or
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]; she has been mobilizing support for Leticia
>(Note: Virginia will undoubtedly be extremely busy today.)
>The information below was sent by:
>Toh Swee-Hin (S.H.Toh)  PhD
>Director, Centre for International Education & Development(CIED) &
>Professor,  International/Intercultural Education, Dept. of Educational
>Policy Studies
>University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5
>Ph: 1-403-492-2556
>Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 12:48:13 -0700
>Hello everyone,
>Here's an update on Leticia's case:
>(1) Sunday, February 6, the notice of the dismissal of her leave to  appeal
>was transmitted to Leticia by her lawyer.
>(2) Immediately Leticia went back to church sanctuary after working for
>barely 30 days (the local Immigration Office gave her a tentative work
>permit for 6 months since December 24).
>(3) Immediately the local support group mobilized for a fax/phone campaign
>to Minister Caplan requesting her to issue a Ministerial Permit to Leticia.
>That was when we sent you the first update.
>(4) Meanwhile, contacts in Ottawa moved to reach Minister Caplan.
>(5) Yesterday, February 10, the local Immigration Office instructed
>Leticia, through the support group, to report to the Immigration Office on
>Monday at 9:30 so that her deportation can be arranged -- she will be
>fingerprinted, her picture taken, and air ticket will be prepared.
>According to the local Immigration Officer, if Leticia would not appear on
>Monday, she would have "burned all the bridges" and more serious things can
>(6) Meanwhile, the wider support groups have responded by sending faxes to
>the Minister.
>We continue to encourage others to send faxes to the Minister as well as
>others who may be able to intercede.
>We appeal to you to do the same and to advice us on any other possible
>course action we can take to mobilize a bigger support group both here in
>Edmonton as well as in other places. We are particularly soliciting the
>assistance and solidarity of our friends in Toronto, Saskatchewan,
>Vancouver, and the CUPE.
>We are attaching samples of letters which you can revise and send to the
>Thank you to you all and we hope you will let us know what you are doing so
>we can consolidate our strategies.
>Below are the names of MPs and church leaders who have been sent letters
>from our group.
>The Hon. Elinor Caplan
>Minister of Immigration and Citizenship
>Phone 613-992-0253
>Fax 613-992-0887
>Mr. Bernard Bigras
>Bloc Quebecois Party Immigration Critic
>Phone 613-992-0423
>Fax 613-992-0878
>Mr. Pat Martin
>New Democratic Party Immigration Critic
>Phone 613-992-5308
>Fax 613-992-2890
>Mr. Norman Doyle
>Progressive Conservative Party Immigration Critic
>Phone 613-996-7269
>Fax 613-992-2178
>Mr. Leon Benoit
>Reform Party Immigration Critic
>Phone 613-992-4171
>Fax 613-996-9011
>Bishop Gerald Wiesner, OMI
>President, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
>FAX: 613-241-8117
>Rev. Bill Phipps
>Moderator, The United Church of Canada
>FAX: 416-231-3103
>Below is a draft letter:
>Dear Minister Caplan,
>I am writing to request that you grant Leticia Cables a Ministerial Permit
>to remain in Canada.  Her file # is 4712-31783535.
>Leticia Cables is a Filipino caregiver who has been threatened with
>deportation since July 1999.  She sought refuge in a church and is now in
>danger of being immediately deported.
>I have been carefully following Ms. Cables' case.  She did not initiate nor
>intentionally seek multiple employment. She made a wrong judgment and
>placed her trust in her former employer, who is a lawyer by profession, and
>who assured her that such multiple employment would not cause her any
>I find it extremely disturbing and unjust that Leticia Cables, a
>hardworking caregiver, is being punished with deportation for a "crime" of
>working for several employers. Surely you can find it in your mind and
>heart to grant Leticia a second chance to contribute productively to
>Canadian society.
>I hope that you will develop a socially and economically just vision of
>Canada's immigration system, and work towards ensuring that those who come
>from disadvantaged backgrounds also have the opportunity to live here.  The
>current system is unfairly weighted to mainly benefit those who can afford
>to buy citizenship here.  I would like to see Canada admit more
>representative and diverse applicants who reflect actual global
>demographics and needs.  It is shameful to be deporting honest, hardworking
>people when Canada does not even meet the immigration quotas it sets for
>Thank you for your attention to this appeal.
>"the so-called 'third world'...produces the wealth and the possibility of
>the cultural self-representation of the 'first world'" (spivak)


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