----- Original Message -----
From: Christer Lundgren
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@smtp2.bip.sth
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 6:09 PM
Subject: [M-L L] China decides to restructure rural economy

China decides to restructure rural economy
China has decided to make further efforts in restructuring its rural economy
and improving the daily life of the farmers this year.

In a "Proposal on Agriculture and Rural Economic Work" made public Sunday,
the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council stress
that China's agriculture and rural economy are facing new challenges and
The proposal states, among other things, that it is imperative to
comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture and rural
economy, and increase the income of farmers.
Restructuring efforts will primarily be focused on improving the quality of
agricultural products by increasing marketable crops, accelerating the
development of animal husbandry and farm produce processing, and optimizing
the layout of agricultural regions.
Cultivated land must be put under strict protection to ensure grain
production, while there will be drastic restructuring in the rural labor
force, with efforts being made to vigorously develop small towns and
township enterprises in the rural areas.
Governments at all levels are required to concentrate on four major tasks
during the restructuring. These include building a rural market system,
popularizing agricultural technology among the farmers, and protecting the
environment in the countryside.
The proposal also calls on efforts to develop rural infrastructure
facilities, including the construction of water conservancy projects.
As part of the government's poverty elimination work, the proposal says
efforts are needed to help another 10 million rural people get out of
absolute poverty this year, while promoting socialist cultural and ethical
development in the rural areas.

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