Communist Web
Wednesday 16th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

Ukraine: Dangerous Developments

Last week saw reports of a tense stand-off in Kiev, capital of the Ukraine.
Troops had
surrounded Ukraine's parliament - inside were nearly 200 opposition
deputies, some of
them on hunger strike.
The deputies oppose right-wing President Kuchma's plan to abolish Ukraine's
legislature and replace it with a body more compliant with his wishes.Mr
Kuchma's wish
list includes bringing Ukraine into NATO as well as privatising land and
carrying out
measures demanded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The recent presidential elections won by Kuchma had been anything but
The Communist Party of Ukraine which polled very strongly has evidence of
ballots, ballot-box stuffing and vote buying to Ukraine's criminal court but
was told that
those matters were outside the court's jurisdiction.In the first round of
the presidential
elections Mr Kuchma's presidential rival had been injured when a hand
grenade exploded
at an election rally.
Mr Kuchma first took office in 1996. At the time his election was generously
aided by
the Soros Foundation. Since the Soviet Union split up, the Ukraine has been
courted by
the West like a very exceptional...

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