Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a congratulatory message from the
central committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK)
on February 16, his 58th birthday.
    The message noted that his birthday is an auspicious day when the
Korean nation had a great good fortune to
lead a happy life blessed with the great leaders and an eternal holiday
when the eternal prosperity of Kim Il Sung's
Korea and the bright future of the Juche era have been promised, the
message said, and went on:
    You, lodestar of national reunification, put forward the great idea of
independence and the unique policy for
national reunification to provide fellow countrymen with firm mainstay of
reunification and aroused them to the
nationwide march for reunification, so that the national reunification
movement has opened a new turning phase in
the nationwide movement.
    You are the prominent leader of the era, the greatest of great men and
the bright sun of the 21st century, who is
building a new independent and peaceful world, demonstrating the might of
Juche Korea and the honor of the nation
all over the world with his brilliant wisdom and outstanding leadership.
    It is the unshakable faith and pledge of the vanguard fighters of NDFSK
and patriotic people made on the
morning of the greatest national holiday in February to uphold you in high
esteem, live and struggle true to your idea
and intention and advance and triumph with your spirit and strategy.
    We will further strengthen NDFSK and the ranks of the revolutionary
movement into the ranks of Juche which
absolutely worship and follow you and give spurs to carrying out the
three-point charter of the national reunification
and the five-point programme of the great unity of the nation so as to
glorify this year on which falls the 55th
anniversary of the country's liberation as a year of proud victory,
breaking fresh ground in the national mass

Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
received a congratulatory
message from the central standing committee of the General Association of
Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon)
on the occasion of his 58th birthday.
    The congratulatory message extends the greatest glory and the warmest
congratulations to him who greeted his
58th birthday amidst infinite benedictions of the entire nation and the
world progressive people.
    The message continues:
    You led the "arduous march" and the forced march to a heroic victory
and performed immortal feats which will
shine in the annals of the country, holding fast to the idea, arms and
science and technology as the three pillars for
the building of a powerful nation and taking the destiny of the country and
the nation upon himself in the last 90s
when the Juche cause and the cause of global independence were faced with
unprecedented trials.
    The 70 million fellow countrymen and the world progressive people are
now upholding and praising you as the
great defender of the dignity of the country and the nation and genuine
world peace and as the brilliant sun of the
21st century who is building ideal society of humankind with independence
    You wisely led Chongryon and compatriots in Japan with warm care to
glorify the honor of being pioneers of
the overseas compatriots' triumphant movement generation after generation,
smashing the suppression and
persecution moves of the reactionaries within and without.
    All the officials of Chongryon and compatriots in Japan will develop
the movement of Korean residents in
Japan on to a higher stage by conducting the patriotic movement more
dynamically in step with the stern stamina of
the Korean people who are greeting the 55th anniversary of the Worker's
Party of Korea with signal victory in the
crucible of greatly increased activity of chollima under your leadership.

Talks held between WPK and foreign parties

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here yesterday between
delegations of the Worker's Party
of Korea and the New Communist Party of Great Britain.
    Present there on the WPK side were Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Central
Committee of the WPK, and
officials concerned, and on the opposite side were members of the
delegation of the New Communist Party of Great
Britain headed by its general secretary Andy Brooks.
    Talks between delegations of the WPK and the Greater Romanian Party
were held here on the same day.
    Present were Kim Yang Gon, director of a department of the WPK Central
Committee, and other officials
concerned and members of the delegation of the Greater Romanian Party
headed by its vice-president Dorin Lazar
    At the talks both sides informed each other of the activities of their
parties and exchanged views on the issue of
developing the friendly relations between their parties and a series of
matters of mutual concern.

Greetings to President of Croatia

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Stipe Mesic on his
election as President of Croatia on Feb. 15.
    The message warmly congratulated him on his election and wished him
success in his work for stability and
prosperity of the country.
    Premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam and DPRK Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun sent messages of
greetings respectively to their Croatian counterparts Ivica Racan and
Tonino Picala.

Greetings to 4th congress of Socialist Party of Serbia

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- The Worker's Party of Korea Central
Committee yesterday sent a message
of greetings to the 4th congress of the Socialist Party of Serbia.
    The message expressed conviction that the 4th congress of the party
would mark an important occasion in the
party's activities to strengthen itself, defend the independence, dignity
and sovereignty of the country and build a
prosperous nation.
    Expressing belief that the traditional friendly and cooperative
relations between the two parties and peoples of
the two countries would further develop in the joint struggle for
independence against imperialism and for peace in
the future, the message wholeheartedly wished the congress of the party
great success in its work.

9th Paektusan Cup International Figure Skating Festival closed

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- The 9th Paektusan Cup International
Figure Skating Festival which
opened at the ice rink on Feb. 12 to mark General Secretary Kim Jong Il's
birthday closed on Feb. 16.
    Present at the closing ceremony were Hong Song Nam, Choe Thae Bok, Yang
Hyong Sop and other senior
party and state leaders.
    Foreigners on a visit to the DPRK and embassy officials of different
countries here were invited there.
    Among those who took the first place in the festival were DPRK athlete
Han Jong In in single (man), Russian
athlete Yekaterina Kasper in single (woman), DPRK athletes An Yong Hui and
Rim Thae Jun in pair and Ryu Sun
Ae and Kim Yong Ho in ice dance.
    A prize awarding ceremony took place at the closing ceremony.

Celebrations of February holiday held

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- An evening gala of youth and students
in Pyongyang was held at the
Central Youth Hall yesterday to mark the 58th birthday of General Secretary
Kim Jong Il.
    Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Kim Il Chol, Kye Ung Thae and other
senior party and state officials.
    The gala began with recitation of a poem carrying best wishes for
longevity in good health and a dance
"Bouquet of Best Wishes To You". The loyalty and filial piety of all the
Korean people to Kim Jong Il were
represented by dances to the tune of songs.
    The youth and students celebrated the holiday night with dances
representing the stamina and will of young
vanguard to devotedly defend Kim Jong Il and advance under the red flag of
    Art performances and concerts were given at theatres in the capital
city and local areas on the same day.
    A synchronized swimming took place at the Changgwang Health Complex.

U.S. urged to approach DPRK-U.S. talks with sincerity

    Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- The insurance of peace and security in
northeast Asia including the
Korean peninsula depends on progress of the DPRK-U.S. talks, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed
    The talks now under way is aimed at defusing distrust and
misunderstanding between the two countries and
normalizing bilateral relations.
    Therefore, the talks itself is a positive development in dispelling
hostile relations between the two countries and
ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula and Asia as a whole.
    To create a favourable atmosphere for the talks, the U.S. should drop
its attempt to stifle the DPRK, the
commentary notes, adding: The U.S. talks about "peace" on the Korean
peninsula and "improvement of relations"
with the DPRK at the table of dialogue but acts different from it behind
the scene.
    The U.S. is staging war exercises without letup in a bid to invade the
DPRK in league with Japan and South
Korea while extensively reinforcing aggression troops in South Korea and
its surrounding areas.
    It planned to hold large-scale U.S.-Japan joint military exercises this
month under the simulated conditions of
"emergency in areas surrounding Japan."
    All the exercises, military operations to stifle the DPRK, are a
dangerous action rendering the situation of the
Korean peninsula more strained.
    Under such conditions the talks cannot proceed properly nor gain success.
    If the DPRK-U.S. talks is oriented toward ensuring peace on the Korean
peninsula and improving relations
between the two countries both in name and reality, the U.S. should give up
its hostile policy to stifle the DPRK.

For Spanish-speaking people

clausurado 9 festival internacional de patinaje artistico por "premo paektusan"

    pyongyang, 17 de febrero (atcc) -- quedo clausurado el dia 16 con un
acto el 9 festival internacional de patinaje
artistico por el "premio paektusan" inaugurado el pasado 12 en el
patinadero cubierto en ocasion del cumpleanos del
gran dirigente kim jong il.
    participaron hong song nam, choe thae bok, yang hyong sop y otros
cuadros del partido y el estado.
    estuvieron invitados alli huespedes extranjeros de visita en la rpd de
corea y los miembros de las embajadas de
varios paises en pyongyang.
    ocuparon respectivamente el primer lugar han jong in de la rpdc en la
clasificacion individual (m), yekaterina
kasper de rusia en la individual(f), an yong hui y rim thae jun de la rpdc
en la de pareja y ryu sun ae y kim yong ho
de la rpdc en la de baile sobre el hielo.
    en el acto clausural tuvo lugar la ceremonia de premiacion.

exito de conversaciones rpdc - ee.uu. depende de actitud de este

    pyongyang, 17 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy senala que la paz y la
seguridad en la peninsula coreana y el resto del nordeste asiatico dependen
de la marcha exitosa de las
conversaciones que se sostienen entre rpdc y ee.uu.
    el objetivo de estas negociaciones es poner fin a la desconfianza y
malentendimiento y lograr la normalizacion de
relaciones de los dos paises.
    pues sostenerlas constituye un desarrollo positivo para eliminar las
relaciones hostiles entre ambos paises y
lograr la paz y la seguridad en la peninsula coreana y el resto de asia.
    el comentarista senala:
    para crear el ambiente favorable a las conversaciones ee.uu. debe
renunciar su intencion de suprimir a la rpdc.
    sentado a la mesa de las conversaciones habla de la "paz" de la
peninsula coreana y de la "mejora de las
relaciones" con la rpdc y detras actua contrariamente.
    aumenta en gran medida sus fuerzas armadas agresivas en sudcorea y su
contorno y junto con el japon y
sudcorea no cesa de desarrollar ejercicios de guerra de agresion a norcorea.
    este mes planea los ejercicios belicos conjuntos de gran envergadura
con el japon que supone el "caso de
emergencia en el contorno de este pais".
    todos los ejercicios son las operaciones militares destinadas a
suprimir con las fuerzas armadas a la rpdc y actos
muy peligrosos que agravan la situacion de la peninsula coreana.
    en tal situacion las conversaciones rpdc - ee.uu. no se puede
desarrollar favorablemente ni lograr exitos.
    para lograr que estas negociaciones contribuyan a la paz de la
peninsula coreana y a la mejora de las relaciones
binacionales, ee.uu. debe renunciar su politica de hostilidad y supresion a
la rpdc.


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