Communist Web
Friday 18th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

Irish Peace Process Setback

Years of hard and painful political graft fashioning the Irish peace process
are now under
serious threat with the suspension last week of the the Northern Northern
Legislative Assembly institutions and the imposition of direct rule by

The excuse for the suspension is an alleged breach of the 1998 Good Friday
by the IRA which has not given up its weapons.But the timetabling of
demilitarisation is
not          enshrined in that Agreement as the exclusive responsibility of
the IRA.
The Ulster Unionist Party's (UUP) demand that the IRA begin to disarm,
imposing a
timetable in breach of the Good Friday Agreement, excludes the overwhelming
power of the occupying British troops, the Royal Ulster Constabulary and

The Loyalist death squads have yet to decommission, and the British military
have yet to
begin seriously scaling down their occupation forces let alone actually to
begin to
In fact, it appears that the...

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