>=========Iraq Action Coalition ========http://iraqaction.org/ =======

>** Please forward **
>Dear friends,
>This week, 70 US congressional officials are putting pressure on the
>Clinton administration to end the economic sanctions against Iraq.  The
>group's spokesman, David Bonior (D-MI), described the sanctions as
>"infanticide masquerading as policy" (BBC News, 17 February 2000).
>Also, this week, Hans von Sponeck, coordinator of the Oil for Food program
>in Iraq, and Jutta Burghardt, head of the World Food Program in Iraq, both
>resigned from their posts in protest of the economic sanctions and the UN
>SC Resolution 1284.
>And, today, we receive more tremendous news:  Several Nobel-Peace Prize
>Laureates - including Nelson Mandela, Mikhael Gorbachev, and the 14th
>Dalai Lama - are appealing for an end to the sanctions. (Appeal enclosed
>This news - these appeals, resignations, and support from Congress - need
>to be heard in the mainstream media! Their power rests upon us: we must
>contact our local media and demand that they cover these stories.  A
>listing of AP and Reuters wire stories on the resignations is available on
>the EPIC website - http://saveageneration.org
>We need your help today. Please write a letter to the editor AND call your
>local paper and urge them to cover these stories.  Then, please let us know
>so that we may become more empowered by your success.
>-Rania Masri
>>Pierre Marchand
>Fax : +33 (0)3 44 86 39 07
>>Web : http://www.nobelweb.org
>>Adress : 58 Avenue de Huy - F60200 - CompiËgne FRANCE
>>May Peace prevail on Earth and all beings be happy.
>>To:  Heads of States of all member countries of the General Assembly of the
>>United Nations, the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations
>>General Assembly, Legislators, Media, and Citizens:
>>Today, in Iraq, there are many children silently suffering the effects and
>>consequences of the sanctions.
>>The suffering takes many different forms:  chronic malnutrition, dysentery,
>>typhoid, cholera, dehydration, vomiting, and anemia.  Many children ñ too
>>many children ñ live in a ìculture of suffering.î
>>We wish to contribute to reduce their suffering.  We believe that each
>>deserves the basic rights to food, medicine, and clean drinking water.  We
>>also believe that it is possible to do this for the children of Iraq.
>>Keeping in mind that the United Nations has declared the years 2000-2010
>>ìDecade for a culture of Non-Violence,î and in accord with our appeal to
>>ìmake children of the world aware of the real, practical meaning and
>>benefits of non-violence in their daily lives, in order to reduce violence,
>>and consequent suffering, perpetrated against them and humanity in
> general,î
>>we make this solemn appeal:
>>ß   That all Heads of States cooperate in the lifting of all of the
>>against Iraq except those which limit the trade of items which can only be
>>used for military purposes and that the President of the United States and
>>the Prime Minister of Great Britain do everything in their power to ensure
>>that the sanctions are lifted;
>>ß   That the United Nations Security Council votes to lift the sanctions
>>against Iraq and that the representatives from the United States and Great
>>Britain do everything in their power to ensure that the sanctions are
>>ß   That the General Assembly works to ensure that the sanctions are
>>ß   That the Legislators of all States cooperate in the lifting of the
>>sanctions against Iraq and that the Congress of the United States of
>>and the Parliament of Great Britain pass bills to that effect and do
>>everything in their power to ensure that the sanctions are lifted;
>>ß   That the media around the world fulfills its obligation to expose the
>>catastrophic suffering that are the result of the sanctions against the
>>Iraqi people and that the media do everything in their power to ensure that
>>the sanctions are lifted;
>>ß   That all citizens of the world do everything in their power to ensure
>>the sanctions against Iraq are lifted.
>>Together, we can build a new culture of non-violence for humankind which
>>will give hope to all humanity, and in particular, to the children of Iraq.
>>With Deepest Respect
>>The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
>>Signed by
>>Mairead Maguire Corrigan
>>Nelson Mandela
>>Aung San Suu Kyi
>>The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)
>>Mikhail Gorbachev
>>Shimon Peres
>>Elie Wiesel
>>Mgr. Desmond Mpilo Tutu
>>Adolfo Perez Esquivel
>>Yasser Arafat
>>Mgr. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo
>>Jose Ramos-Horta
>>Norman Borlaug
>>Oscar Arias Sanchez
>>Frederik Willem de Klerk
>>Betty Williams
>>Lech Walesa
>>Joseph Rotblat
>>The Friends Service Council / The American Friends Service Committee
>>The International Committee of the Red Cross
>>The International Association of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear
>>Doctors Without Borders
>>Institute of International Law
>>Permanent International Peace Bureau
>>Nansen International Office for Refugees
>>Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
>>International Labour Organization
>>Amnesty International
>>International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Inc
>>The United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces
>>International Campaign to Ban Landmines
>>Jody Williams
>>John Hume
>>David Trimble


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki - Finland
+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081



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