
>Friday February 18 7:37 PM ET
>Colombia Political Violence Leaves 27 Dead
>BOGOTA (Reuters) - At least 27 people died in the
>latest outbreak of political violence across Colombia,
>including 20 peasants who were shot and hacked to
>death by members of a right-wing paramilitary death
>squad, authorities said on Friday.
>News of the killings came a day after the government,
>which is engaged in year-old peace talks with the
>country's leading Marxist guerrilla force, said it was
>preparing to launch negotiations with Colombia's
>second-largest leftist rebel group as well.
>Police said the slaughter of the peasants -- all of
>whom were beheaded -- came during a three-day rampage
>by about 200 members of an ultra-right paramilitary
>group operating in a rural area of northern Sucre
>The number of people killed in six separate villages
>belonging to the municipality of Ovejas, which means
>sheep in Spanish, was initially placed at 11 by the
>police. But Alejandro de la Rosa, a municipal human
>rights official, said 20 bodies had been recovered by
>late Friday afternoon and the final death toll could
>rise to 30.
>``The bloodbath began Wednesday. All the victims are
>men who were shot and decapitated by the
>paramilitaries,'' De la Rosa told Reuters in a
>telephone interview.
>``We think at least 10 other bodies are still out
>there,'' he added, explaining that the fate of some
>townspeople was unknown after the orgy of violence
>that finally ended early Friday.
>The paramilitaries, who field an estimated 6,000
>fighters across Colombia, have killed leftists and
>suspected rebel sympathizers for more than a decade.
>Though outlawed, human rights groups say they operate
>with the complicity or tacit support of the military.
>Senior army officers have been linked to peasant
>massacres and other atrocities in the past, in a
>three-pronged civil conflict that has killed more than
>35,000 in the last decade.
>Ovejas is located in Montes de Maria, a mountainous
>and jungle-covered region where Carlos Castano, the
>country's top paramilitary chief, has fought a
>long-running battle with Cuban-inspired National
>Liberation Army (ELN) for territorial control.
>The killings there came as the government stepped up
>recent peace overtures with the ELN, culminating with
>an offer announced late on Thursday to give the group
>a safe haven in northern Bolivar province to begin
>talks to end their long-running war against the state.
>Troop Pullout For Eln
>Details of the possible land-for-peace deal with the
>ELN have not been made public. But the government has
>pulled all troops out of a Switzerland-sized area of
>southeast Colombia since late 1998, to create a forum
>for ongoing peace negotiations with the larger
>Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
>Pablo Beltran, a senior ELN commander, told reporters
>on a visit to Nicaragua Friday government security
>forces would also be removed from the zone the ELN is
>to be granted control over in Bolivar. ``The only
>military force that will be left there is that of the
>guerrillas,'' Beltran said.
>In addition to the killings in Ovejas, police said a
>paramilitary death squad gunned down three people on
>Friday in northwest Antioquia province.
>Two soldiers died in a clash with members of a
>paramilitary group in southwest Valle del Cauca
>province, meanwhile, the same province where two
>police officers died in a FARC rebel attack in the
>town of Cumbarco.
>Slow-moving peace talks with the FARC, which has about
>17,000 fighters compared with the ELN's 5,000, are
>taking place without any previous cease-fire deal.
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