>(February 18, 2000)
>Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Rigoberta Menchu
>Tum, along with Amnesty International and attorney Jennifer Harbury, met
>with Native American Leonard Peltier in prison today.  Rigoberta Menchu Tum
>is a Mayan citizen of Guatemala whose work for human rights and equality for
>Indigenous peoples has won her world acclaim and recognition.  She has
>traveled to the United States from Guatemala both to urge US government
>officials to release Mr. Peltier and to meet with Mr. Peltier in person.
>“Leonard Peltier’s resistance is an example for all Indigenous Peoples,”
>said Sra. Menchu, “as long as he is not free, none of us can be free.”
>Rigoberta Menchu Tum told Leonard Peltier that she would be including his
>case and the Pine Ridge “reign of terror” from which his case stems, in her
>new program for Universal Justice.  Part of the focus of this program will
>be to stop those responsible for human rights atrocities from receiving
>impunity.  This relates to the Pine Ridge Reservation because 64
>traditionalists and American Indian Movement members were murdered, and over
>300 more were brutalized between 1973 and 1976.  Despite an overwhelming FBI
>presence on the reservation, none of these crimes were ever investigated,
>and in fact, evidence points to the FBI’s direct involvement and intentional
>complicity in the crimes.  It was in this climate that the 1975 shoot out on
>the reservation, which led to Mr. Peltier’s incarceration, occurred.
>Leonard Peltier praised Rigoberta Menchu Tum’s efforts stating that, “Racism
>against Native peoples is still alive and strong. When our people are
>murdered, no one cares, and yet when the agents were killed, someone had to
>pay, even if they were innocent.  No stronger and more blatant statement can
>be made that justice for Native Peoples is not yet a reality in the United
>States when this can still occur.  Something must be done.”
>Curt Goering, Senior Deputy Executive Director of Amnesty International,
>also attended the meeting.  Amnesty International considers Leonard Peltier
>to be a political prisoner who should be immediately released.  Mr. Goering
>met with Mr. Peltier to find out what more Amnesty International could do to
>support his freedom effort.  “One possibility we discussed,” said Goering,
>“is that Amnesty International could request the opportunity to attend and
>testify at the parole hearing on Leonard’s behalf.”  Leonard Peltier is long
>overdue for parole and will undergo an interim parole review hearing this
>May.  Mr. Peltier is currently suing the Parole Commission for using
>discriminatory, erroneous, and capricious reasoning for denying his release.
>February 6 marked Mr. Peltier’s 24th year in prison for the murder of two
>FBI agents.  When faced with formerly withheld evidence on appeal casting
>serious doubt on Mr. Peltier’s guilt, the prosecution admitted that they
>could not prove who killed the agents.  The appeal was denied on a
>technicality and the judge would later recommend Mr. Peltier be released
>through executive clemency.  Despite this, Mr. Peltier remains in prison,
>thus expanding his notoriety as a symbol of injustice against Indigenous
>The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>Gina Chiala, co-coordinator
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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