>Communist Party of Britain
>45th National Congress
>22-24 April 2000, London
>For Peace, Democracy and Socialism
>Request for messages of greetings from fraternal parties
>Dear Comrades,
>Our party is holding its 45th national congress in London over the Easter
>weekend of April 22-24.
>We have already distributed the three main resolutions by e-mail, which
>cover questions of the British labour movement, the national and democratic
>questions in a British context, and the world situation.
>The central strategic path of our party is summarised as:
>"The Communist Party's position is determined by our Marxist analysis of
>the situation in Britain and internationally. Our programme 'The British
>Road to Socialism' identifies the working class and its labour movement as
>the leading force for socialist revolution. To win its leading role, the
>organised working class must itself fight for the interests of society as a
>whole, campaigning with allies against all forms of oppression and
>exploitation, for a safer and sustainable environment, for peace and
>international solidarity. In the course of mass extra-parliamentary
>struggle, a democratic anti-monopoly alliance can be built around the
>policies of the Alternative Economic and Political Strategy (AEPS) which
>would be vital for any decisive advance towards socialism." (From the main
>political resolution)
>We would be honoured to receive messages of greetings by post, fax or
>e-mail from communist and socialist parties, national liberation movements
>and all those struggling to make the 21st century one of advances for
>peace, democracy and socialism.
>Alternatively, if your organisation has representatives in Britain who
>would like to attend our congress we would be happy to receive them. Please
>contact us for details.
>Yours in Comradeship,
>Kenny Coyle
>International Secretary
>Communist Party of Britain,
>Unit F11, Cape House, 787 Commercial Road, London, E14 7HG.
>Tel: (44) 207 517 9722 Fax: (44) 207 517 9733.
>Homepage: www.communist-party.org.uk


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