----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 12:25 AM
Subject: Yugoslavia's and Libya's Officials Find Much In Common


 Of course in the Western corporate/conglomerate 'free press' they just
report the news. Just the facts. No editorializing. No compliant
parroting of State Department or CIA lines or profiles....Odd, though,
isn't it, that it's impossible to differentiate between the two?
Gloat on, you buggers, but the pieces of the puzzle keep coming together
- see below.   
Serbia's and Libya's top officials find much in common
February 20, 2000 
Web posted at: 4:54 PM EST (2154 GMT) 
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Serbia's vice premier and Libya's deputy
foreign minister called Sunday for a joint Arab-Orthodox Christian front
against "American hegemonism," a government news release said. 
Serbia's far-right vice premier, Vojislav Seselj, met with Abdelah
Beh-Yallah of Lybia, and both urged "closer cooperation between states
that value independence, freedom and territorial integrity," said a
statement released after the meeting. 
"Orthodox and Arab countries need to join forces to create a common
strategy against American hegemonism," the statement said. "Europe must
free itself from American influence so that its peoples and states can
live in peace, harmony and religious tolerance." 
Libya was an exception among Arab countries in speaking out against last
year's NATO military intervention to end the crackdown by Serb forces
against ethnic Albanians, who are Muslim. 
Lybia had close ties with the former Yugoslavia which, after its 1991
breakup, continued in the form of the present-day rump Yugoslav
federation consisting of Serbia and Montenegro. 
Policies pursued by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and his Libyan
counterpart, Moammer Gadhafi, have led both countries into international
"Yugoslavia and Serbia appreciate the clear stand of Lybia and its
president who openly condemned NATO aggression against Yugoslavia," the
release issued in Belgrade said.

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