>                                   *
>                            Green Left Weekly,
>                                 Issue #394
>                             February 23, 2000
>                           http://www.greenleft.org.au
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
>environmental and left perspective.
>Featured this week: HOWARD HAS TO GO
>Public anger about the GST, the loss of entitlements by sacked workers,
>cuts to rural services and a myriad of other attacks on working people's
>living standards is coming to the boil. It is clearer than ever that the
>Howard government has to go. The question is how to achieve that.
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Howard has to go
> * Protests demand Elian be returned home
> * Elian's father appeals for his son's return
> * How long does it take to change a child's mind?
> * Cuban Consul's speech to Marxism 2000: `A beautiful, extraordinary
> * Socialist Party of Timor holds first congress
> * East Timorese workers win better wages
> * UN demands delay Khmer Rouge trials
> * Israel's brutality against civilians in Lebanon
> * News briefs
> * 2,000,000 behind bars in the US
> * Tube workers to contest London elections
> * CPI-ML discusses China's socialism
> * International news briefs
> * A hot French winter looms
> * EU hypocrisy on Austria
> * Cyanide spill reveals the cost of gold
> * `Hungary's Chernobyl'
> * Free education, not privatisation!
> * A history of the education campaign
> * Students meet with Indonesian activists
> * Anti-Olympics protests off and racing
> * Resistance news briefs
> * Campaigning against a `men's officer'
> * GST: bad for all, worse for women
> * National forum series
> * International Women's Day
> * Support the Mexican students
> * International news briefs
> * Protest Ruddock's racism
> * SA education workers demand better pay and conditions
> * ACT opposes mandatory sentencing
> * Yallourn dispute not over yet
> * Opposition grows to CPSU centralisation
> * Ruddock, Court threaten detainees
> * CFMEU delegate bashed
> * Mardi Gras launched
> * Rally against GST on tampons
> * Action updates
> * No ADI development at St Marys!
> * Deckhands fight for jobs
> * Unionists debate Pilbara dispute
> * Staff incensed by UQ management
> * Teachers warn of strike action
> * Indonesian police threaten Australian unionist
> * Pressure mounts to abolish mandatory sentencing
> * The jobs boom lie
> * National youth week a sham
> * Would you like sex with that?
> * Gender roles -- only two?
> * Networker: Becoming very rich
> * International Women's Day: unity does matter
> * All becomes clear
> * Clyde Cameron: Not your average ex-MP
> * Loose cannons
> * and ain't i a woman?: Judging gender
> * Looking Out: `I did'
> * Life of Riley: Win with Winston
> * On the box
> * Editorial: Government villainy
> * Write on: letters to the editor
> * Chris Kelly cartoon  * Bron's cartoon  * From Leftfield
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
>final changes in the printed version.
>All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
>copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
>permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
>human rights or generally progressive publications.
>Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
>symbol && in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
>uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
>the artist.
>  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
>appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
>                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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